Proofpoint Security Awareness Training Reviews
Proofpoint Security Awareness Training

Proofpoint Security Awareness TrainingFormerly Wombat SecurityCompetitors and Alternatives

Most Commonly Comparedto Proofpoint Security Awareness Training

Best Proofpoint Security Awareness Training Alternatives for Small Businesses

Barracuda's Security Awareness Training supports phishing social engineering simulations with data analytics for evaluation of results as well as targeted training and education to boost readiness.

Higher Rated Features

  • Security
  • Security Awareness Training
  • Phishing Simulations

Popular Integrations

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Best Proofpoint Security Awareness Training Alternatives for Medium-sized Companies


Score 9.3 out of 10

Hoxhunt, headquartered in Helsinki, empowers employees to shield their organisations with adaptive learning flows that transform how employees react and respond to the growing amount of phishing emails.

Higher Rated Features

  • Security
  • Security Awareness Training
  • Security Reporting

Popular Integrations

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Request a Demo

KnowBe4 is a security awareness and compliance training and simulated social engineering product. It is used by organizations worldwide to strengthen their security culture and reduce human risk. The product includes a comprehensive suite of awareness and compliance training, real-time user coaching, AI-powered simulated social engineering, crowdsourced anti-phishing defense and an AI suite that enhances human risk management through personalized training and automation. With content in 35+…

Higher Rated Features

  • Security
  • Security Awareness Training
  • Phishing Simulations

Popular Integrations

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Infosec IQ

Score 8.6 out of 10

Infosec IQ security awareness and training aims to empower employees with the knowledge and skills to stay cybersecure at work and home. With over 2,000 awareness and training resources, Choose Your Own Adventure® Security Awareness Games and personalized learning experiences, the solution aims to present everything needed to prepare employees and strengthen the user's cybersecurity culture. The platform can be customized and personalized to match an organization’s culture and employees’…

Higher Rated Features

  • Security
  • Security Awareness Training
  • Industry-Specific Security Training

Popular Integrations

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Barracuda's Security Awareness Training supports phishing social engineering simulations with data analytics for evaluation of results as well as targeted training and education to boost readiness.

Higher Rated Features

  • Security
  • Security Awareness Training
  • Phishing Simulations

Popular Integrations

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Sophos Phish Threat

Score 7.9 out of 10

Sophos offers security awareness and phishing training and preparation testing via Sophos Phish Threat, the company's phishing attack simulator.

Higher Rated Features

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Popular Integrations

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Mimecast Engage Awareness Training

Score 7.7 out of 10
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Mimecast Awareness Training equips security teams to identify and reduce human-driven risk across their entire organization. The security awareness and human risk management solution works to continuously inspire awareness, transform behavior, and reduce the likelihood of security incidents caused by human error.

Higher Rated Features

  • Security
  • Security Awareness Training
  • Single sign-on capability

Popular Integrations

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Cofense PhishMe

Score 8.3 out of 10

Cofense PhishMe is a cyber threat and phishing simulator meant to be of use in training employees to be wary against threats and also to gain information about general employee threat knowledge and preparedness. A free trial is available for small business.

Higher Rated Features

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Popular Integrations

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Best Proofpoint Security Awareness Training Alternatives for Enterprises


Score 9.3 out of 10

Hoxhunt, headquartered in Helsinki, empowers employees to shield their organisations with adaptive learning flows that transform how employees react and respond to the growing amount of phishing emails.

Higher Rated Features

  • Security
  • Security Awareness Training
  • Security Reporting

Popular Integrations

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Request a Demo

KnowBe4 is a security awareness and compliance training and simulated social engineering product. It is used by organizations worldwide to strengthen their security culture and reduce human risk. The product includes a comprehensive suite of awareness and compliance training, real-time user coaching, AI-powered simulated social engineering, crowdsourced anti-phishing defense and an AI suite that enhances human risk management through personalized training and automation. With content in 35+…

Higher Rated Features

  • Security
  • Security Awareness Training
  • Phishing Simulations

Popular Integrations

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Cofense PhishMe

Score 8.3 out of 10

Cofense PhishMe is a cyber threat and phishing simulator meant to be of use in training employees to be wary against threats and also to gain information about general employee threat knowledge and preparedness. A free trial is available for small business.

Higher Rated Features

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Popular Integrations

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