360 is eLearning development made easy
Overall Satisfaction with Articulate 360
We use Storyline, and now Articulate 360 to create the majority of our eLearning lessons. It is used across our product development department. 360 is great because it saves us so much time on development, and is easy to implement.
- Rapid development
- Mobile content delivery
- Ease of use
- Customer support
- I don't have a lot of cons...the pros well outweigh the cons.
- VERY customizable, although some power users who love to code, may still prefer Captivate.
- Increased ROI on development costs.
- Easy to train new employees or interns to use.
- Output is free of bugs or glitches.
- Students and teachers (customers) enjoy the interactive lessons we can product with 360.
- ispring and Adobe Captivate
360 is awesome. I talk over and over about speed and ease of use...but the great part is that you don't sacrifice great lessons and output. We haven't been using 360 long (since it's just in its infancy), but we've used Articulate and Storyline products for years. Their customer support and community is top notch. You're never left in the dark if something isn't working, or you need help. Storyline alone was great, but 360 has really kicked up the value with the review/collaboration tools, library, and other new development tools.
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