My BlueJeans Review
September 21, 2020

My BlueJeans Review

Kevin Keith | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with BlueJeans

Since we're a pretty small company (7 people), we use BlueJeans across the whole organization. We mainly use it for team talks where we detail product planning and presentations, then we can move forward with product qualification. We also use BlueJeans to have initial customer calls if they do not have a preferred platform.


  • User interface
  • Video quality
  • Moderator tools (easily mute)
  • Startup is fast


  • I don't like that I can't schedule from the desktop Mac app.
  • Ever since the merge with Verizon, I've had freezing issues in almost every call. I corrected the severe freezing by turning off location services for my calendar app (it caused BlueJeans to overload my CPU).
  • It's misleading when you say "Dolby audio" or video is being sent/received when it's a very low resolution or standard audio quality.
  • Money saved on travel
  • Shorter sales cycles
  • Productive meetings
  • Remote team management
I like BlueJeans' user interface and low latency during video calls. I also like that I can choose certain windows to share instead of displaying everything I have open. One thing that I don't like about BlueJeans though, since the merger, is that I have tons of issues with choppy video and audio. I have an enterprise-grade router and 1Gb/s internet, so I know it isn't that. It's not just me who experiences this either, it's everyone on my team. It's very unfortunate because every now and then we have to leave our BlueJeans meeting and jump over to Zoom. My CEO got so fed up with choppy calls with really important customers that she started paying for her own Zoom account. I stuck with BlueJeans for right now because my tech team is large enough, and it would be a pain to migrate 8 people over to a new platform. Just a heads-up.
I usually like to use Blue Jeans in customer calls and team meetings. I like using the platform in these scenarios because it allows me to select certain windows to display instead of just "presentation" or "whole window." This is really great when I have multiple presentations to show and certain data points to read from that I don't want to show.

BlueJeans Meetings (discontinued) Feature Ratings

High quality audio
High quality video
Low bandwidth requirements
Mobile support
Desktop sharing
Calendar integration
Meeting initiation
Integrates with social media
Record meetings / events
Live chat
Audience polling
User authentication
Participant roles & permissions
Confidential attendee list


  • Lee Snyder | TrustRadius Reviewer
    Hello Kevin, Thank you for your feedback! I am sorry to hear the CPU and audio issues that you faced using our service. If you would like to have someone follow up with you, please use the link below or send an email to to get connected with our Support team. Thank you, Lee - Customer Support Engineer, Tier 2

More Reviews of BlueJeans Meetings (discontinued)