Bullhorn-Your go to ATS/CRM
Overall Satisfaction with Bullhorn CRM
Bullhorn is currently being used by all of our Recruiters, Account Manager and Client Services for recruitment and job order management. We also have implemented the CRM component for the prospecting component of client acquisition. The ATS is used extensively for all stages of job order management and talent acquisition. Bullhorn helps to standardize the process and track the progression of roles and candidates. This enables consistent reporting across the organization so as a team, you can look for areas of success and areas that require improvement.
- Candidate Management- it is very easy to track and search your candidates. Candidates are the heart of your ATS in staffing and Bullhorn does a great job of making those candidates accessible.
- Job Order Management-Being able to keep your job orders managed in a way that keeps you closest to money is a one of the best parts of the system. You can filter your lists, schedule your followups and keep on top of the orders that are the most urgent.
- Configuration- the ability to configure the tool to the look and feel that matches your business.
- Bullhorn CRM allows Account Managers to do their prospecting without cluttering the Company and Contact List with Company and Contacts that are not buyers or individuals that do not using staffing, not decision makers, etc. Leads allows AM's to pursue those individual within a different entity until they are vetted as buyers. The opportunities allow you to track those longer range opportunities versus storing them in a notebook or on an excel document. They become company IP for down the road.
- Configuration of the CRM is huge asset. We have changed and configured our workflow several times over the past few years until we have decided on the workflow we want to move forward with. The tool allowed us to make these changes as we saw fit and without the time and cost of having to go through a PS channel.
- The Lead and Opportunity dashboards help to keep you on track in a visual way so you can see the time cycle of your leads and opportunities.
- Submission Management- Although there is a submission entity in Bullhorn that allows you to do a lot of things, this is one area that could still use improvement in terms of the ability to search web responses more efficiently and displaying of the pay/bill rates that are entered within the submission process. More configuration here would be great.
- Bullhorn has helped with the standardization of data which allows us to track our high, low and in between individuals. It allows for corporate bench marks to be tracked. It also allows for a closer look at all of the data points to make decisions versus making decisions based on perceptions. The data has definitely helped us make better business decisions because of the reporting capabilities.
- Bullhorn has some great marketplace partners and additional products like VMS Access that help with your VMS clients. This is a real time saver.
Bullhorn is very good CRM/ATS in comparison to others I have worked on in that it continues to evolve and update its technology.
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