doc-link is a great choice for document storage and workflow
September 07, 2016

doc-link is a great choice for document storage and workflow

Renae Clary | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with doc-link

We use doc-link to route all AP requests for approval. We also use it to store and route documents. doc-link allows us to store and manage all documents in one location. We are also able to set up a workflow for the document types to route for approval or different processing.


  • Stores documents, easy to search and retrieve documents
  • Workflow is easy to use and set up
  • Users interface is uncomplicated and easy for users to learn


  • Document workflow can be confusing as it is all a workflow chart. Bigger worksflows get hard to follow in the flow chart. One solution we use is to break the workflow into smaller parts that all work together.
  • AD connections can be tricky to set up.
  • Customization is great but it would be nice to push the same customization to all users of a certain group and then lock it down.
  • Saved time with workflow routing
  • Saved time and expense by storing all documents in one location
We were using both doc-link and OnBase for document routing and storage. We did get rid of OnBase and moved all documents to doc-link without issue. By choosing to have only one document management software we were able to save money in software costs.
If you have a image document you need to store or run a workflow on it is a great tool. The key is you have to have a document. You can't run a workflow if there is no document. It should not be used just for processing a workflow without a document.


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