Positive review - DocuSign CLM, formerly SpringCM
January 27, 2020

Positive review - DocuSign CLM, formerly SpringCM

Jeanette Wayne | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with DocuSign CLM, formerly SpringCM

Problem: Revenue contracting cycle was taking more than 60 days and 3.2 process cycles before getting to the client.
Problem: No central repository existed for contracts, consuming thousands of staff hours looking for agreements.
Problem: No central repository existed for contracts, leaving leadership without the ability to review final/authorized agreement when addressing a client's concern.

The solution was used company-wide (revenue and expense) and among four lines of business (RR, Real Estate, Sand Unitization, Industrial Development).


  • Ability to templatize hundreds of agreement types (dropdowns, optional clause language)
  • Workflow process, ensuring contracts were properly vetted


  • Currency conversion (from numbers to language) relies on an MS-Word solution that is buggy. Won't convert 7+digit numbers.
  • Could be easier to engineer a template (requires some technical training).
  • Shorter time to market, 364%
  • Fewer process cycles (425% improvement)
DocuSign CLM, formerly SpringCM, was a superior solution when I purchased it two years ago. It is still driving improvements for the company (as of last night's check-in with my old team).
A great solution:
  1. templatizing agreement types;
  2. driving workflows with conditions,
  3. archiving documents and attributing them by master data

I had wished that it was easier to engineer workflows and templates (greatest opportunity to expand).


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