Speedy Meeting Times!
Overall Satisfaction with Doodle
Doodle has allowed co-workers to coordinate meeting times without having to communicate back and forth. Doodle allows our district to have more efficiency in communication and coordinate meeting times and when subs are needed for teachers to cover classrooms when meetings are in session. Whoever needs to be involved in the scheduling is able to be a part of the Doodle scheduling app.
- Doodle allows more than two people to communicate a time to hold a meeting
- Efficient - not a lot of further communication needed to coordinate a meeting time
- Schedules are specific to the individual - everyone has a snapshot of their "calendar" of Doodle events
- Create a way for people to meet over video-chat through Doodle
- Doodle has created more efficiency in the organization - time is saved for teachers and administrators
- Time saved in scheduling allows for teachers and administrators to have more time to focus on their job objectives
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