Excellent product--Excellent company
Overall Satisfaction with Entrinsik Informer
Entrinsik Informer is being used throughout the university as the primary reporting tool. It allows not only for ad-hoc reporting but also to assist in decision-making at management level. We are able to export data to outside entities to provide data for FMLA benefits, insurance benefits, and Alumni database population as well as others. The ease of the tool itself makes it relatively easy for end-users to create their own reports as well. It also allows mapping to a UniData database which is not common in the BI world.
- Ease of use for end-users--drag and drop interface allows for users without database knowledge to create reports.
- The ability to map Informer to multi-valued databases like Unidata/U2.
- The ability to link multiple databases allows for endless opportunities for data integration.
- Reliable, dependable, and extremely stable product that works seamlessly with upgrades.
- Allows export of data in multiple formats to allow for external download of data.
- The dashboard product (which we don't have but we have had a trial version in the past) allows for Google map plotting to view trends in applicant/student demographics.
- While I don't think there is anything that is hard to use with Informer, additional functionality might be the ability to run multiple reports off of one query.
No comparison really--Informer's ease of use and Entrinsik's customer support is far superior.
Using Entrinsik Informer
25 - Various academic and business functions across the university including but not limited to university schools, Financial Aid, Records and Advising, Academic Affairs, Office of the Bursar, Accounting, etc.
1 - I am the support person at our university and handle any rare issue we might have with Informer in-house. I am responsible for doing the upgrades and setting up security. This product is so simple to support and Entrinsik's customer support is excellent and extremely responsive when there is a rare instance that I need to go to them for something I can't resolve myself.
- Ad-hoc report building/running throughout the entire university.
- Quick and easy report writing capabilities. Ease of use for report writers.
- Export of data required by either internal or external entities in various formats.
- Live Excels allow for users to run reports when needed with no intervention from IT
- One report runs a process that calculates hours worked for the past 365 days for FMLA elibitility and then runs a report that exports the FMLA data directly to our 3rd party FMLA administrator.
- Our Institutional Research department runs their 10th day statistical data from an Informer report and then archives this data.
- Created extremely complex report for export of our Alumni data to our Blackbaud Alumni database in the format that this database needed for successful import.
Entrinsik Implementation
- Implemented in-house
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