HID DigitalPersona is great, but the Chrome Extension needs work
February 07, 2021

HID DigitalPersona is great, but the Chrome Extension needs work

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 5 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with HID DigitalPersona (formerly Crossmatch)

HID Digital Persona is being used by all staff at our current organization. We deploy password templates to our users for several of our applications and have biometric fingerprint readers deployed to all staff. Overall, I would say that the password manager and fingerprint readers work really well. Most issues with the fingerprint readers are resolved by cleaning the lens on the top of the reader. One annoyance we have with the Digital Persona application is the icon that is displayed above the password field routinely covers other buttons up, making it difficult to click without trying to move the icon or finding a tiny space to click the correct button.


  • Password management works really well.
  • Fingerprint readers rarely have issues.
  • Deploying templates for particular applications is fast and easy.


  • Technical support's answer to all issues seems to be to upgrade.
  • Digital Persona's icon covers other toolbars and icons.
Overall, the breadth of Digital Persona has been beneficial to us. We use the Windows logon, single sign-on, biometrics, and templates being deployed for third party applications. This has greatly reduced the number of password reset requests that we get since most of our staff may not even need to know their windows credentials.
The Active Directory logon is why we have stuck with them for so long. We have a large number of applications that utilize the Active Directory credentials and without this utilization, I believe the application would be severely limited in its use cases in an organizational setting.
We are using this with Windows logon, a large number of browser-based applications, Citrix, our COR application, and many more that I am just not able to come up with at this time. This has always worked great in IE and Edge, but the reliability suffers with the Chrome Extension.
We are not using Azure in our environment.
  • Less requests for password resets.
  • Productivity has increased due to the simplicity of logging into a wide variety of apps.
  • More security as staff no longer leaves their passwords lying around since they only need to remember their network password.
If you need a biometric reader and a password manager in several applications with templates, this works well. If you are needing to use this in Chrome, the extension does not work so well. Most of our issues have come up with the Chrome extension and this can be cumbersome to keep updated, particularly in a provisioned environment.


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