HP Systems Insight Manager a pretty good product for the cost
February 25, 2016

HP Systems Insight Manager a pretty good product for the cost

Alex Gouskos | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with HP System Management

My organization is currently using HP Systems Insight Manager to monitor our physical and virtual infrastructure. This includes server, fiber and copper switches as well as our storage arrays. This software can monitor for disk space as well as general availability.


  • HP Systems Insight Manager is very good at scanning for devices and adding them for monitoring is almost effortless.
  • HP Systems Insight Manager is very good at detecting most HP hardware and integrating with local management software.


  • I think some of the areas that HP Systems Insight Manager can improve is non HP hardware.
  • This software also sometimes struggles handling larger environments.
  • This software also has issues managing environments that aren't set up perfectly.
  • Since this software is free if you buy HP hardware the cost is nothing which is nice for cash strapped businesses.
  • This software has a somewhat difficult time handling large environments where systems are not configured perfectly for this software.
  • I would always recommend having multiples of this software installed for redundancy because generally unless it and the environment is properly configured it can require maintenance.
Some of the other products I use for system management are HP SiteScope and SolarWinds Orion NPM and APM. SiteScope is another good HP product but it isn't very cost effective to use for general system management. It's good for performing complex alerting and monitoring. SolarWinds makes a great product but it is better geared for gathering statistics and performance data real-time and historically. Again the cost of this product makes it ineffective for general system monitoring.
This software is suited for a smaller organization with a small datacenter that uses mainly HP hardware. Once the environment gets larger it would pay to move to some of their paid for products.

HP System Management Implementation

It's good for small organizations that use HP branded equipment.
Change management was minimal
  • No issues in initial implementation of software.
  • Issues arose when using non HP branded hardware or legacy systems.

Using HP System Management

For basic functions it's very easy to set up and use. However, for more advanced functions it takes a lot of time to figure out its quirks.
Like to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Unnecessarily complex
Lots to learn
  • Device Discovery
  • Adding Credentials
  • Creating Groups of Systems or Events
  • Detecting clusters correctly.
  • Non HP equipment isn't straightforward at times.


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