Hunter: A Necessary Last Resort
Updated March 31, 2020
Hunter: A Necessary Last Resort
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Hunter
Hunter is used by our sales department to verify and search for email addresses of prospects. It's extremely insightful when our research doesn't yield any contacts or emails, and it's used somewhat as a last resort. That being said, it's very much appreciated and beneficial to our team.
- Pull up emails otherwise unable to be found.
- Occasionally provides a full name and phone number.
- Perhaps a feature that allows you to see if only generic emails are found i.e. support@, info@, etc.
- It could improve not pulling up old emails for companies that aren't utilized anymore.
- It allows us to reach out to more prospects.
- It guarantees we'll find a generic email at the very least.
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