Easy to Use, Quick to Deploy, and Flexible to Scale!
Overall Satisfaction with IBM Cloud Code Engine
Developers across our organization utilize IBM Cloud Code Engine for a number of use cases, including running applications, functions, and batch operations. Instead of spending time managing infrastructure and configuring hosting environments, our engineers can concentrate on writing code. IBM Cloud Code Engine provides an end-user experience for developers that is easy, adaptable, and intuitive. While the documentation is a little weak, but a person with prior knowledge can easily be adapted to the workflow very easily.
- Server-less platform that is automatically managed
- Pay per use - scale to zero results in an extremely cheap total cost of ownership.
- There is no need for you to set the size, deploy, or scale container clusters yourself.
- Auto scaling is always helpful and easy to use.
- For Bigger projects, the Number of jobs and apps can be increased along with maximum memory consumption.
- The Documentation can be more extensive for freshers and get more engagements from the newcomers.
- Moving around the security changes can be tricky and hard to change.
- Code Engine is completely linked with IBM Cloud, you may make use of the whole catalog of IBM Cloud services.
- Autoscaling is really helpful, and can even go to Zero.
- Some new people around were a little unfamiliar with the platform, so took longer to have more people on board.
- The limitations to only 100 jobs and apps, can be a pain for Massive projects, but hasn't been a problem for us yet.
The auto-scaling, as well as the serverless management services sure, has allowed us to work more towards the designs solutions than to worry about deployment.
Having only some hands-on with the other services, The cloud engine is considerably simpler to operate, with a very clear interface and management. Each application can be easily configured and altered without needing to know anything about different subscription tiers or the system's inner workings. But in the case of Lambda, Depending on the situation, Code Engine will fetch your source code and generate the container image. Code Engine supports both Dockerfile and the Cloud-Native Build bundle, which is preferable. It is possible to create applications that send messages based on events.
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