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AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda


What is AWS Lambda?

AWS Lambda is a serverless computing platform that lets users run code without provisioning or managing servers. With Lambda, users can run code for virtually any type of app or backend service—all with zero administration. It takes of requirements to…

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Product Details

What is AWS Lambda?

AWS Lambda is a serverless computing platform that lets developers run code without provisioning or managing servers. With Lambda, users can run code for virtually any type of app or backend service—all with zero administration. It takes care of requirements to run and scale code with high availability. Users pay only for the compute time they consume—there is no charge when their code is not running.

Developers uploading to Lambda don’t have to deal with their code’s environment. It’s a “serverless” service which lets outside code or events invoke functions. Lambda doesn’t store data, but it allows access to other services which do. Users can set up their code to automatically trigger from other AWS services or call it directly from any web or mobile app.

AWS Lambda Technical Details

Deployment TypesSoftware as a Service (SaaS), Cloud, or Web-Based
Operating SystemsUnspecified
Mobile ApplicationNo

Frequently Asked Questions

AWS Lambda is a serverless computing platform that lets users run code without provisioning or managing servers. With Lambda, users can run code for virtually any type of app or backend service—all with zero administration. It takes of requirements to run and scale code with high availability.

Reviewers rate Multiple Access Permission Levels (Create, Read, Delete) and Programming Language Diversity highest, with a score of 9.

The most common users of AWS Lambda are from Mid-sized Companies (51-1,000 employees).
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Reviews and Ratings



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Go Serverless with zero start-up cost and wide feature set!

Rating: 9 out of 10
May 02, 2024
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AWS Lambda
6 years of experience
We use AWS Lambda for a number of use-cases, such as an API endpoint behind AWS Cloudfront and also for data collection and evaluation before sending statistics on to our other internal systems. We have also used AWS Lambda to process messages on an SQS queue to allow a full serverless implementation of our microservices.
  • No need to manage infrastructure
  • Billed purely based on actual usage
  • Reduced security risks due to architecture
AWS Lambda is well suited for serverless microservices and can run independently of other services. AWS Lambda functions can be triggered by a number of external services, such as API calls, cron schedules, Cloudwatch event rules or via AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS) triggers. The service works well for API services however might be less suited to website hosting of systems like Wordpress.

AWS Lambda Review

Rating: 10 out of 10
May 02, 2024
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AWS Lambda
5 years of experience
AWS Lambda is perfect for small serverless workloads that enable cheap integrations with native AWS services. It is primarily used as a trigger from things like DynamoDB or SNS, which allows for very lightweight automations to occur. Not having to allocate or pay for a dedicated server to handle these micro workloads is ideal. The integration with many services gives AWS Lambda a lot of potential.
  • low cost
  • no dedicated server
  • no provisioning
  • lightweight
  • highly integrated
AWS Lambda is well suited for small/micro workloads that do not need to be running 24/7. It is a very cost efficient way to handle quick triggers or automations that integrate with AWS services. Things like triggering an email from a DynamoDB change or processing an incoming file into S3.
It is not suited for very complex and/or very long running jobs that need to be ready and active at all times.

When to use AWS Lambda

Rating: 9 out of 10
May 01, 2024
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AWS Lambda
4 years of experience
We use AWS Lambda for running some periodic tasks. We've configured some triggers using AWS CloudWatch Alarms which trigger these Lambdas at certain intervals. This solves our business problem as we don't need to run a separate server for this neither it adds a load on any of the existing servers which are there to serve the requests. It only runs when there is a trigger and we only have to pay for the compute capacity we use.
  • No provisioning required - we don't have to pay anything upfront
  • Serverless deployment - it gets executed only when request comes and we pay only for the time the request is getting executed
  • Integrates well with AWS CloudWatch triggers so it is easy to setup scheduled tasks like cron jobs
Scenarios where AWS Lambda is well suited: 1. When we need to run a periodic task few times in a day or every hour, we may deploy it on AWS Lambda so it would not increase load on our server which is handling client requests and at the same time we don't have to pay for AWS Lambda when it is not running. So, overall we only pay for few function invocations. 2. When some compute intensive processing is to be done but the number of requests per unit of time fluctuates. For example, we had deployed an AWS Lambda for processing images into different sizes and storing them on AWS S3 once user uploads them. Now, this is something that may happen few times every hour on a particular day or may not happen even once on other days. To handle this kind of tasks AWS Lambda is a better choice as we don't have to pay for the idle time of the server and also we don't have to worry about scaling when the load is high. Scenarios where AWS Lambda is not appropriate to use: 1. When we expect a large request volume continuously on the server. 2. When we don't want latency even in case of concurrent requests.

Tranforming cloud from server to serverless

Rating: 9 out of 10
March 31, 2022
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AWS Lambda
1 year of experience
I used AWS lambda in one of project which was developed by company I am currently in. My current company is AWS partner network accredited. While developing project, our company tries to make offer for AWS lambda as it is cost efficient compared to EC2 instance or any other compute service. Business problems are related to what clients want in a smaller budget. AWS lambda is considered as server-less compute service and helps to deliver solution much faster than any other computer service.
  • Image compression on the go
  • Supports multiple programming language which can trigger lambda using API
  • Event driven
  • Platform as service, don't need to configure underlying hardware or operating system
  • Can handle higher number of events triggering, easily scalable.
  • Cost efficient
Compressing image while uploading it to S3 bucket can be easily done using lambda. While if your workload require lot of execution time or there is large amount of data to be processed, also workload where tweaking environment to suit workload, lambda can be less appropriate. Instead other computer service like EC2 and elastic beanstalk can be well suited for such task.


Rating: 9 out of 10
February 28, 2022
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AWS Lambda
1 year of experience
-AWS Lambda is being used for cron job with AWS Event bridge.
-AWS Lambda can be also be used as a serverless function with api gateway.
  • Speed processing
  • Computing concurrency
  • service to service communication
-AWS Lambda can be used for cron job with AWS EventBridge.
-When we use AWS Lambda use with API Gateway to only transport data to another service without any business logic.

AWS Lambda: a perfectly reasonable serverless compute option

Rating: 8 out of 10
January 06, 2022
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AWS Lambda
1 year of experience
AWS Lambda is widely used in our organization by a number of development teams. It is used in both one-off tasks and coordinated workflows. My team is responsible for infrastructure management, and there are many use cases for which we have opted to use AWS Lambda. AWS Lambda is often a good choice for us when we do not need a standing compute resource.
  • Broad support for different language runtimes: Python, Node.js, C#, Java, Golang, Powershell, Ruby
  • Save money on compute resources by paying by request volume and memory used/time
  • Integrates terrifically with a number of other AWS resources
I would recommend using AWS Lambda when you have one-off tasks that can be accomplished with a single function and do not require a persistent, constantly running compute resource. Some example use cases include file or image processing, data analytics (you might have DynamoDB stream updates to AWS Lambda for processing), in conjunction with API Gateway as a backend.
I would not recommend using AWS Lambda when your Lambda function has potentially long-running, asynchronous calls involved (e.g., calling out to a service hosted in another cloud platform). This can drive up execution time and, in turn, cost. While Lambda layers allow you to share code between Lambda functions, I would not recommend AWS Lambda for cases where there are high degrees of interdependence between the Lambdas. I think that Lambdas work better when considered isolated.

AWS Lambda: One of the best

Rating: 9 out of 10
June 04, 2021
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AWS Lambda
2 years of experience
[AWS Lambda] is being used in specific departments of the company as and when we require it because cost is involved depending upon usage. This can be integrated with multiple AWS tools like redshift, S3 and many other services that helps in easy processing of data. This has positively impacted our maintenance cost.
  • This can be incredibly cheap as you use it whenever you want.
  • This is heavily scalable
  • You can Swiftly deploy and execute the code
[AWS Lambda] is very well suited for the projects that doesn't have any infra but needs it where short running processes are required. But if your application need to run continuously than this might not be the very apt tool for you.

Power of lambda

Rating: 10 out of 10
June 03, 2021
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AWS Lambda
4 years of experience
Process terabytes of data broken down into small files of 70MB each. Our Lambdas spin an instance for each file and process it within 30 seconds. This way the entire batch of 320,000 files is finished in about 2 hours.
  • Execute small tasks quickly.
  • Monitoring can be easy.
  • Integration with s3 and SNS is a boon.
  • Trigger quickly and easily based on events.
Process large datasets where bigger files are broken into smaller ones. Executing step functions. Submitting requests for Sagemaker pipeline. Submitting queries to Redshift data API. Managing dynamodb records (read-write).

AWS Lambda is a flexible and useful product

Rating: 8 out of 10
May 18, 2021
We are using AWS Lambda as [much as] we can and when is feasible. When I say feasible, I mean we should observe AWS Lambda limits and costs because even [with] AWS Lambda being an amazing product, you need to be careful with costs since every call to a function will charge you.
  • Triggers from state changes on other AWS technologies.
  • Automate process when someone interacts with AWS S3.
  • Create functions to keep compliance aspects.
I believe the main concern is about costs. If your function calls generates profit, no problem with the amount, as more [is] better. But if this is not the case and your user case trends to grow without associate profit, maybe by provisioning dedicated resources (EC2 instances for example) to run your functions will hurt less in your wallet.

AWS Lambda for developers

Rating: 9 out of 10
May 12, 2021
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AWS Lambda
2 years of experience
AWS Lambda serves various purpose accross teams
1. We mainly use AWS Lambda when we have very short time to productionise code and have little time to worry about infrastructure.
2. AWS Lambda takes care of scaling and dynamic increase in inflow of traffic.

  • Scalable
  • Less Infra headaches
  • Just write code and don’t worry about devops
Well suited:
1. when we need to worry about time to market and we don’t have infra defined.

Not suited:
1. Not suited for Business Client transactions as its server are located out of Switzerland and hence country laws are different

AWS Lambda saves time and money for your project

Rating: 8 out of 10
May 04, 2021
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AWS Lambda
2 years of experience
AWS Lambda is mostly in use by our DevOps department with Web portals testing and implementation to support our projects on cloud. We mostly use HTML conversion Lambda functions with our conversion services. It is greatly helpfil to reduce cost of usage and improve integration with Simple Notification Service. Also we work on smart recognition of documents buckets.
  • Serverless compute lets you run code without provisioning and managing
  • It is helpful to reduce costs and administrative loads for web development or mobile apps
  • Easy to manage the compute resources on AWS
Working with Web and mobile apps well suited for Lambda. It provides a clear support path and improvement. Also it helps to reduce cost and accelerate speed of reaction on changes.

A sess appropriate scenario would be when CIO push to implement new technology and services without clear understanding of the results and project needs.

AWS Lambda is the king of serverless compute services!

Rating: 10 out of 10
April 29, 2021
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AWS Lambda
3 years of experience
At my current place of work as well as for personal projects AWS Lamba is currently used for many different projects. A few examples are "image resizers", "data processing" and invalidating cache from a 3rd party webhook. It allows for quick, easy, and inexpensive setup and maintenance especially using 3rd party libraries like "Serverless".
  • Easy to use
  • Performant and reliable
  • Can be incredibly cheap
A great example of using AWS Lambda is when your application needs to be able to render images for the user and have those images be resized and optimized on load. Using AWS Lambda you can create endpoints with a minimal amount of code that allows your applications to request the images and use query parameters to declare the height and width etc.

Lambda: An Efficient way for developers

Rating: 9 out of 10
April 25, 2021
We use AWS Lambda to upload data from API to store in AWS. We have also integrated it with AWS DynamoDB, Redshift, S3, Kinesis, MSK, and many other AWS Services for further processing of the stored data. It is being used by a single department. It reduces the maintenance cost and makes development easy. Makes it easy to address any issues in the APIs without any problem to the other Lambda.
  • Serverless Framework. Easy to develop and test in local environment
  • Easy to detect issues. As it does not interlink to any other lambda.
  • There are shared layers in Lambda that can provide common code to be shared between Lambda. Helps in Avoiding the same code to be written multiple times.
AWS Lambda is most suited as a Serverless methodology. When you do not want to handle the software and only want to work on logic and code development, AWS Lambda is the best option. You can also trigger AWS Lambda from many AWS services like when a new row is added into DynamoDB or when a new file is uploaded to S3 or also when you want to execute Lambda once a day or at a specific intervals(cron jobs).

AWS Lambda Provides Function-based Compute On Demand

Rating: 10 out of 10
May 12, 2020
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AWS Lambda
2 years of experience
My team uses AWS Lambda in two primary ways: as a back end service and as middle-ware for log processing. As a backend, Lambda provides the compute for APIs fronted by AWS API Gateway or one-off tasks that can be handled in the cloud by a small piece of code. As a middle-ware for log processing, Lambda processes logs ingested by AWS Kenesis by feeding them into AWS Cloudwatch and third-party logging services.

Lambda provides an interface to managed compute resources without the overhead of the team having to mange servers or other resources.
  • Lambda provides multiple methods for triggering functions, this includes AWS resources and services and external triggers like APIs and CLI calls.
  • The compute provided my Lambda is largely hands off for operations teams. Once the function is deployed, the management overhead is minimal since there are no servers to maintain.
  • Lambda's pricing can be very cost effective given that users are only charged for the time the function runs and associated costs like network or storage if those are used. A function that executes quickly and is not called often can cost next to nothing.
I would definitely recommend using Lambda for short-running, event-triggered processes that are dedicated to a single function. This could be for one-off processing or intermediate tasks between other resources like objects stored in buckets and queues for processing those objects. Also, since Lambda executions can be scheduled, processes that need to happen on regular intervals can be implemented with Lambda as well.
I would not recommend using Lambda for anything that needs to run longer than a few seconds. Long running processes like ETL jobs or intensive computations may be better suited for step functions, batch jobs, or even a server based approach.

AWS Lambda helps you automate and reduce your cloud costs

Rating: 9 out of 10
April 22, 2020
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AWS Lambda
1 year of experience
We use AWS Lambda to help us automate the process of start/stop EC2 instances in AWS. We use it in infrasctructure but it affects the whole organization and most of our internal servers and customer servers are in AWS. With this automation, we cut our cost by 35% which is a very significant amount for a small company.
  • Flexible. You can use it with many programming languages.
  • Easy. It's all configurable and as soon as you understand how it works it becomes very easy to maintain.
  • The integration with other AWS tools helps a lot the automation of tasks.
The main area in my point of view is the automation reduction of costs. You can program and use Lambda to execute several tasks based in several types of events like logs, schedules, and output from other AWS tools. With the AWS API, you can do almost anything you want and your function will use only the needed resource (memory, cpu) so it is optimized.

Going Serverless Without Being Rudderless: AWS Lambda

Rating: 8 out of 10
November 17, 2019
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AWS Lambda
2 years of experience
Our university department is responsible for several web applications on campus that support student success, including providing online services for students directly, as well as supporting workflows and activities of other departments and divisions. As we move more and more of our applications into the AWS cloud, we have found Lambda to be a great way to simplify some of our web services and "housekeeping" processes; the fact that we're only charged for Lambda function calls, and not for the infrastructure which supports Lambda, helps us save on hosting costs, as well!
  • AWS Lambda is a welcoming platform, supporting several languages, including Java, Go, PowerShell, Node.js, C#, Python, and Ruby. And if you need to deploy a Lambda function in another language, AWS offers a Runtime API for integration.
  • We really appreciate how AWS Lambda is always-on for our functions, with only a brief "cold-start" waiting period the first time a function is called after being dormant.
  • In addition to only generating costs when it's actually being used, AWS Lambda really puts the "serverless" in serverless architecture, offering turnkey scaleability and high availability for our code with zero effort on our part.
AWS Lambda is a great way to deploy smaller-scale data synchronization jobs and other "housekeeping" routines that don't require preservation of state. We use it to build API gateway tools used by our larger applications (many of which are hosted on AWS EC2 instances) and it's a perfect fit.

If you have complicated workflows that run a long time, or require state to be saved between function calls, AWS Lambda is probably not the right choice for a serverless solution.

AWS Lambda for Education

Rating: 9 out of 10
November 16, 2019
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AWS Lambda
3 years of experience
I've used AWS Lambda to create Alexa skills. I write articles about these skills and teach university students to create skills.
  • Rapid deployment of code.
  • Rapid execution of code.
  • Cost-effective use of the cloud.
AWS Lambda is very well suited to the scenario in which I use it; namely, Alexa skills. To respond to an Alexa skill request, it would be inefficient to spin up a server. For applications that run continuously and are not event-driven, AWS Lambda is not well-suited.

AWS Lambda Review

Rating: 9 out of 10
October 30, 2019
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AWS Lambda
2 years of experience
Monitoring Usecase:
In the organization, we have got a need to increase the monitoring and availability of the systems, because of which we have created several scripts that run on a server for every 15 mins to extract data from one system and store it in a database. It was working fine when we have a few scripts and less number of CRON jobs. We have a complex environment, we interact with multiple systems most of the time and there are several logs that are captured in different systems, so our number of scripts increased, eventually jobs increased to run. We started to see a bottleneck on the server, so we started to think Cloud alternative and analyzed about the usage of AWS Lambda functions.
  • Lambda functions are best in our use case because they are serverless and you could schedule AWS Cloud watch events to run periodically.
  • Less expensive.
  • Fast execution.
AWS Lambda is well suited for batch scripts, and API development.

Serverless data communication

Rating: 8 out of 10
September 25, 2019
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AWS Lambda
2 years of experience
AWS Lambda is being used by my organization to manage machine to machine communication via serverless code. It addresses the problem of sending data between services on Amazon Web Services and it does the job quite well. The lambda handler allows me to set invocations at certain durations and also allows me to pass data back and forth in an automated manner.
  • Machine to machine communication.
  • Automatic invocation.
  • Error reporting.
AWS Lambda is well suited in cases where the entire stack is on AWS. It doesn't make sense to use lambda when you have services with other cloud providers.

Any language, fast and simple

Rating: 8 out of 10
August 23, 2019
AWS Lambda is used primarily by about 20% of our staff and only in our development department. We use AWS Lambda for developing and managing our application over the cloud platform. We internally provide cloud-related solutions to our dev groups and develop web apps and services on cloud for them. So whenever we have to provide any computation related work for that particular app than I use AWS Lambda because it is easy to use and scalable and also costs less than any previous solution we have reviewed.
  • AWS Lambda is a great compute engine that allows you to run and execute your computation code without the need of maintaining servers and the overhead that comes with that.
  • We all can use our favorite programming language to develop the functions.
  • AWS Lambda is the fastest server setup on the market.
I know a lot of our developers use this personally to develop Alexa skills. The best use case for us is building simple rest API's with minimal effort and overhead. It is easy to use and scalable. You can also through a lot of load against it very quickly with little to no performance issues that I have seen. Also, it is very well suited in environments where developers have language freedoms.

AWS Lambda for DBA maintenance

Rating: 9 out of 10
August 23, 2019
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AWS Lambda
3 years of experience
AWS Lambda is an event-driven, serverless computing platform and a compute service that runs code in response to events and automatically manages the computing resources required by the code. AWS Lambda is being used by our team and across the whole organization. It's being used as part of our DR solution to run the code at scheduled times.
  • I have used the AWS Lambda for moving the RDS snapshots from cross-region like East to West and West to East. We used it as part of our DR solution. AWS Lambda is the service provided by AWS, and it makes it easy to manage the AWS resources.
  • I have used AWS Lambda for running a cleanup code against the database at scheduled times. I use Python as the coding language. AWS Lambda is the service provided by AWS, which makes easy to manage the AWS resources.
  • We can use AWS lambda function for serverless architecture.
  • We can use AWS Lambda for managing Micro-service architecture.
AWS Lambda is best for short-lived applications/codes. Configure AWS Lambda to act based on the events that are produced on certain services. It works. We used it to move the RDS snapshot from WEST to EAST and EAST to WEST whenever the RDS automatic backups are done. It helps in other scenarios, like when application teams don't have a server or don't have a place to run a job on a regular basis. Then we can leverage this AWS Lambda to run the code against the database. As I mentioned, this is not suited for long-lived applications.

AWS Lambda, a best in class serverless workload

Rating: 8 out of 10
August 20, 2019
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AWS Lambda
5 years of experience
We use AWS Lambda as a microservice platform where we off-load a large number of our common services to the serverless cloud. We have had workloads that have run for years on the platform without issues, and it has allowed us to focus on other areas of developing versus just maintaining code and servers.
  • Reliable for low workloads.
  • It's an easy entry point for development.
  • Quick speed to market.
AWS Lambda is great for atomic micro services and being leveraged as a conduit for other Amazon services. It's great for a quick way to innovate other resources that you already have on the platform. It marries well with the ecosystem and allows for easy deployments and updates to the program based on the tools.

Most popular for a reason

Rating: 9 out of 10
August 17, 2019
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AWS Lambda
2 years of experience
My team uses AWS Lambda as a deployment target for our serverless applications. We develop them using the Serverless framework (using NodeJS) and deploy them to our company's AWS account. As a result, we don't deal with Lambda very much directly, since it's abstracted away through Serverless. But since it's so integrated into the AWS ecosystem our company uses, it is very practical and enables us to run our applications in a stateless was and not need to worry about scaling.
  • It automatically scales up your functions when demand is high.
  • It allows developers to focus only on business logic,
  • It is very cost-effective, since you're not paying for idle server time.
For its price, flexibility, and integration with other tools, AWS Lambda is the most popular serverless functions platform for a reason. In my opinion, it's best used as the backing behind some higher abstraction like Serverless or even Netlify Functions, but from what I've seen, it would be a great option even if used directly. In generall, serverless architecture works well for stateless applications, API aggregation, event-driven processes, and where the scale/demand is unpredictable.

AWS Lambda - The Unseen, Low-Cost Workhorse of the Cloud

Rating: 8 out of 10
August 16, 2019
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AWS Lambda
1 year of experience
We use AWS Lambda (in conjunction with SAM) to produce a decentralized notification and delivery system for 3rd Party integrations to our SaaS product.

This allows us to keep throughput for messages in our app low, and scaling is nearly automatic and instantaneous. We needed a way for our app and data to be presented to a multitude of 3rd party applications and services and didn't want to make all these points of contact happen inside our main app. Therefore we chose a queue-based approach where our main app delivers messages to a queue and the Lambdas pick those messages up and process them until the queue is empty or more Lambdas are needed.

Lambdas have proven to be very cost-effective and prevents us from needing to incur uptime for other servers.
  • Reliability - Lambdas just work. They do their job and quite well. I've never had any hiccups with them as a unit of hardware.
  • Scalability - This automatic scaling and availability are amazing. It's like having a fleet of servers at the ready but only when needed. And at a fraction of the cost.
  • Price - AWS gives you a generous helping of free invocations every month, and even after that, it's still cheap compared to an always-on solution.
If you're not afraid to get your hands dirty in wiring things up yourselves or you can use AWS' own abstractions like Amplify or SAM, then Lambdas and their surrounding platform pairings (Like SQS, API gateway) are great tools that can help you create a backend or infrastructure for a relatively low cost. If you don't find yourself in that camp, but you know your way around full-stack JavaScript frameworks and tooling, you may be better served with a higher level abstraction like what Zeit Now or Netlify offers.
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