Solid Organizational Tool
April 25, 2018
Solid Organizational Tool
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with JIRA Software
JIRA software is currently being used within our department as an organizational tool. JIRA is being used intermittently across the whole organization, but is not currently a standard. JIRA really helped our team with organization and collaboration as it breaks down work and assignments in a simple and visible way.
- Easy and efficient way to organize and assign work
- Allows for the creation of a hierarchy of tickets and work to keep priorities organized
- User-friendly and cost efficient as an organizational tool
- Training resources readily available
- Being able to create epics would be highly useful for better organization and maintenance
- Being able to split the work, or tickets, between team members would also be useful
- There is a learning curve which does require time and resources to adapt to the tool
- Helped our team to solidify ideas and focus on more clearly defined objectives
- Helps with accountability within teams
- Helps team members speak to the work they are accomplishing
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