Loggly made my logging simple & fast
July 06, 2018

Loggly made my logging simple & fast

Tarun Mangukiya | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Loggly

Loggly is being used by our technical team to manage the tracks of our cloud infrastructure. It provides real-time monitoring of all our systems and helps us to figure out errors and bugs.


  • Free Plan suitable for majority of Startups
  • Easy to integrate
  • Majority of Platforms and services are supported
  • Live debugging mode
  • Easy dashboard and search


  • Haven't found much yet!
  • Saved our 50-80% of the time to find out the errors in our application
  • No need to manage file permissions for logging
  • Free Plan helped us to get started and try out things
  • Our all server logs are saved in one place, no need to worry about taking log backups and all.
  • Available for all the Platforms such as different types of OS, Front-end & Back-end frameworks
I have tried New Relic, but they have multiple services. While Loggly is all about logs, so you're focused on what you want.
Loggly is must used logging service for all your infrastructure. It is really helpful when you are managing multiple servers. It keeps track of everything starting from system logging to your application logging. You don't have to worry about rotating daily logs and all, just install an extension/package and you're ready to go. If you're building small-scale application then I won't recommend it.


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