Moodle review from an higher Education point of view (Faculty)
Overall Satisfaction with Moodle
Moodle is used both by students and faculty as the centralized space to share course-related information, assignment, grading, document repository, and activities.
- It's easy to create various activities [assignments, videos, slides, files, quiz...]
- It's easy to copy one course from past semester/cohort to a new semester/cohort, to avoid re-creating from scratch
- It keeps track of student login times.
- The quiz function is highly configurable: mix order of questions, mix order of choices, time limit, auto-correct + grade [save me a lot of time and let students take quiz online at home]
- The grade book can be confusing and not working the way we want; some illogical tweaking may be necessary.
- Moodle replaced Blackboard about 4 years ago, mostly for financial reasons. At first, it was not as comprehensive as Blackboard; but recent upgrades makes it a competitive tool.
- Open source allows the development of many plug-ins and integration with other software (i.e. Turnitin), offering additional functions to a tool that has plenty to offer from the start.
- Without formal training, I was able to create my course from scratch and continually develop my content and knowledge base to share with my students, thanks to an extensive online resource.
I believe Moodle and Blackboard offer similar basic functions. I used Blackboard for one course and feel it might be more powerful, It all depends on how one uses a LMS for classroom learning and how much (offline) technology faculty wants to integrate in his/her course.
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