PowerDMS - Success Waiting to Happen!
February 07, 2017

PowerDMS - Success Waiting to Happen!

Tony Kuklinski | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with PowerDMS

PowerDMS is being used to maintain our law enforcement accreditation through CALEA. With six facilities across the country under one law enforcement control, it is the perfect document management solution for the thousands of documents we need to maintain for accreditation.


  • The system provides all the required standards necessary to maintain accreditation at my finger tips. This eliminates having to got to other links or even maintaining volumes of paper documents searching for specific standards.
  • The functionality of PowerDMS is incredibly easy. Uploading and highlighting documents necessary for each standard is extremely simple and efficient.
  • PowerDMS allow you to search for specific documents using word search and tags that you can attach to each document. For instance, if I needed to find documents pertaining to training, it is a simple matter of typing in "Training" in the search bar and all relevant documents are listed.


  • The highlighting feature would be better served if it had line item by line item or word by word, capability. It currently is some what limited to bulk highlighting.
  • Easier access to training videos so refresher information is more readily available for adding users, setting permissions, etc. Setting permissions is always a daunting task and I usually have to call into customer support for assistance.
  • Giving the user the ability to "backup" the data that is in the system with the ability to restore the data would give the user a little piece of mind of continuity.
  • Eliminated or significantly reduced, substantial amounts of administrative supplies, such as, paper, files, storage, and postage.
  • Significantly reduced the number of personnel hours working to maintain accreditation standards.
  • Overall, PowerDMS has saved the agency approximately $8000 in supplies and personnel costs.
  • SharePoint
We have not used any similar products to PowerDMS. We have used SharePoint to some degree in storing general documents not associated with accrediation. PowerDMS is used specifically in maintaining and organizing document necessary for accreditation.
For our agency, we have 6 facilities across the country that operate under one police department managed out of Washington DC. It is critical that all the facility police departments operate under one method of operations and control. PowerDMS assists our agency in maintaining consistent best practices across the various geographical locations and gives us the mechanism to evaluate and substantiate each facility is operating correctly under the written directives and standards of the department.


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