Why QuickBase is for you
January 26, 2017

Why QuickBase is for you

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with QuickBase

It's being used across the organization. Different groups or teams may use it differently but generally all folks are using it to either manage projects or manage tasks -- or both. In fact, nearly all project information, down to the smallest detail, can be found in QuickBase. This allows us to pull crucial reports about projects we've run over the last quarter, year, multiple years.


  • QuickBase empowers the app builders. I get to make key decisions about how the users interact with and use QuickBase.
  • You don't have to be in IT to be able to build an app. Anyone can build an app, it breaks down walls and doesn't rely on an approval process necessarily.
  • It's an excellent database that includes minimal coding (if you want it).


  • Coding is limited - sometimes I'd like to do more.
  • The GUI is great, but occasionally I do wish it were more malleable so I could make it more my own.
  • In addition, the GUI is in need of an overhaul - QuickBase has looked exactly the same for years.
QuickBase is probably well-suited for slightly smaller companies. I don't know if I can imagine an extremely large company being able to implement it. I find it useful as a replacement for the many, many Excel sheets all companies seem to have that contain crucial information but aren't bring stored properly.


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