Schoology - A Game Changer
Overall Satisfaction with Schoology
Schoology is used across my district in all schools from k-12th grade. Teachers across the district use this to address equity and student choice. They also have student groups to foster communication between admin/counselors and their students, and for clubs & Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to share resources!
- Schoology allows for grading groups and individual assignments. This allows me to tailor my instruction to varying levels of student needs as well as addressing student voice and choice.
- I also love that I can embed pretty much ANYTHING. I have never used an LMS that let me tinker with the HTML code of posts. That alone makes Schoology one of the best tools out there. I frequently embed Google forms, Padlet, Flipgrid, and many more tools.
- Their assessment tool is fantastic. It has a ton of question types and provides great data. Their assessment tool will soon support grading by question - because Schoology LISTENS to its users! If there is something Schoology isn't doing that you want it to, please send them a message. They really do listen!
- A streamlining of the process could help when teachers are transitioning it. The grading area needs some help. I often have classes of over 30, and scrolling up and down to click a kid's name and then see their work is really tedious.
- Schoology does take a lot more clicks to get things done than some other LMSs.
- Schoology has had a positive impact on my classroom because it allows me to easily organize content as well as assign content based on the specific needs/wants of my students.
- Schoology has had a positive impact on my classroom management because it allows me to easily embed everything my students need with no reason for them to leave the LMS and venture out on the wider internet.
I have taught using both Edmodo and Google Classroom. While both were easier than Schoology was to get in the beginning, Schoology is infinitely more powerful than either of them was. I can do so much more, and differentiate so much easier using Schoology than I could with either of my previous LMSs.
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