Aha! Roadmaps is used to set strategy, prioritize features, and share visual plans. It includes Aha! Ideas Essentials for crowdsourcing feedback. For an integrated product development approach, Aha! Roadmaps and Aha! Develop can be used together. The software is available with a 30-day trial.
per month per user
Score 8.2 out of 10
productboard, from the company of the same name in San Francisco, is a product management system designed to help product managers understand what users need, prioritize what to build, and rally everyone around a roadmap.
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Aha! Roadmaps
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per month workspace owner or contributor
per month workspace owner or contributor
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Pricing Offerings
Aha! Roadmaps
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Startup pack available for early stage companies.
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productboard was used in the organization when I arrived, but after assessing productboard, I felt it was too lightweight for our ambitious product goals. It's also critical, especially in a startup, that we focus our limited capacity on the work that matters most. Aha! far and …
In terms of outright features, a lot of roadmapping tools have the same feature set. We chose Aha! based on look-and-feel, the easy learning curve, and the reviews it has. Between collaboration, milestone tracking, comment threads, and content importing and exporting, we had …
I have previously used Aha another product road mapping/ insights driven software.
Aha had great features for the userbase of my previous products. They were allowed to create their own suggestions for the products and other users could then like or dislike the suggestion. …
Productboard is more feature-rich. It has very intuitive to use and can be connected to various applications. Showcasing your roadmap is very easy and collaboration is very easy as well.
Productboard has great UX features where you can see the roadmap in multiple ways with …
Productboard has a modern interface with a great user experience that will help you get onboard really fast especially if you are looking for one place to handle customer insights that are coming from different places and be able to score and report under value vs effort …
Productboard is leaner, easier to use, and cleaner than Aha! I switched from Aha! to productboard and did not regret the decision. Aha! may be better suited to larger operations or teams, but productboard is perfect for smaller teams and solo product managers.