Likelihood to Recommend If you need to connect NetSuite to some other platform or application, you should reach for Celigo. It is a true Integration Platform. I can write code and build integrations from scratch, but they will never be as solid as what Celigo already has built. Also, Celigo gives non-developers superpowers. In NetSuite, it can be used as an alternative to SuiteScripting.
Read full review Kissflow, Inc (OrangeScape)
We've used Kissflow [School Cloud] in order to track parent requests for transportation in the SpEd department. It has been user friendly for parents to input a request and staff to review, double check school sites and locations, and set up specific routes to meet the needs of students and communicate the info back to parents.
Read full review Pros Previewing data transformations and scripts in real time Ability to retry data and manage errors when something goes wrong Pre built apps for quick implementation Read full review Kissflow, Inc (OrangeScape)
They know what they are. You aren't going to get a Workflow program that also wants to be a CRM. You will get the equivalent of an electronic assistant going from station to station, taking care of business and giving you the end result. Paper. It reduces the amount of paper needed for menial tasks tremendously. You can automate an entire process. As an educational institution, you may still need paper copies, but you aren't waiting for John Doe to sign Line 3, then Jane Doe to initial, and so on and so on with a paper form. Tracking. If you need to know where things are in the process, the fact that this program is dedicated to workflow makes it incredibly easy to identify where people are in the sales flow. Customer appreciation. When your workflow is stronger, faster, and better, the customers feel it. They feel like you are right there with them and getting things moving. Read full review Cons Documentation has gotten better over the years, but could improve. Marketing efforts could be greater. Its a terrific product that people should know about More webinars could be helpful to show how folks are saving time and money. Read full review Kissflow, Inc (OrangeScape)
Workflow Design: There isn't a copy/paste function when creating the workflow, and you can't move a workflow task between parallel branches. This becomes a pain point when an item has 98% of what you need, but you can't copy it and place it in another branch to make the last tweaks. Instead, it needs to be completely recreated Interface: While I like the current design features, which make it easy for an end-user to find their tasks and items, it would be nice to also have some flexibility within the platform. Things like being able to groups apps under a category or tailoring the look and feel of the page a little more would be a welcome addition. Read full review Likelihood to Renew Kissflow, Inc (OrangeScape)
Really love the product. Was pleasantly surprised that it has been easy to use for parents
Read full review Usability There is a bit of a learning curve, but not bad. Once you get a flow or two under your belt, there will be no stopping you. You will start to see possibilities and ways to apply automation and integration throughout your business. It becomes fun to look for additional ways to save money, time, and improve accuracy
Read full review Kissflow, Inc (OrangeScape)
Support Rating Had some rough patches in the beginning, but they were resolved.
Read full review Kissflow, Inc (OrangeScape)
I haven't encountered a need for support with KiSSFLOW. It's not a perfect platform, but it's functional, dependable, and reasonably intuitive. I can't fault a support team just because their product works!
Read full review Alternatives Considered Celigo handles errors much much better. Celigo stores templates all in one place making them much easier to find. Celigo interacts with your database as you are working allowing you to pull picklist values right from your db Celigo does not upsert large datasets as quickly and can take quite some time
Read full review Kissflow, Inc (OrangeScape)
KiSSFLOW is much easier to set up, less coding and easier to explain to those that are being trained. The company already had SharePoint, but it is a very difficult system to set up. A class had to be taken, along with getting books in order to understand the process of the workflow. With KiSSFLOW, it is simple to understand, the helpdesk is quick with their response, help topics are laid out simply and you can even talk with someone on that side to ask your questions. Overall, KiSSFLOW is a much easier workflow and system to use.
Read full review Return on Investment Quickly Sync Sales Order from Shopify to NetSuite Sync back order fulfillments from NetSuite to Shopify Import order from Amazon Seller Central to NetSuite Sync customer information from Shopfiy to Saleforce Read full review Kissflow, Inc (OrangeScape)
The only real hard number savings that we have had with KiSSFLOW is the money we have saved in forms being printed, especially multi-part forms. So for a small college like us that it probably in the $5000 to $10000 per year range. We have certainly saved money in increased efficiencies of the processes that we have moved to KiSSFLOW. But that is harder to calculate. Read full review ScreenShots