Coveo Relevance Cloud vs. Searchspring

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Coveo Relevance Cloud
Score 6.8 out of 10
Coveo is an enterprise search technology which can index data on disparate cloud systems making it easier to retrieve. It has integrated plug-ins for, Sitecore CEP, and Microsoft Outlook and SharePoint.
per month
Score 9.0 out of 10
Searchspring headquartered in Denver offers intelligent site search for customer facing web pages and ecommerce, providing product discvoery tools, navigation viacategory page, and other features to improve site navigation. In February 2020, Searchspring merged with Nextopia to expand its product capabilities, and customer base. Nextopia customers will continue to receive the same services, under the SearchSpring brand.
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Coveo Relevance CloudSearchspring
Editions & Modules
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Pricing Offerings
Coveo Relevance CloudSearchspring
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Coveo Relevance CloudSearchspring
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Coveo Relevance CloudSearchspring
Small Businesses
Score 8.9 out of 10
Score 8.9 out of 10
Medium-sized Companies
Score 9.3 out of 10
Score 9.3 out of 10
Score 9.3 out of 10
Score 9.3 out of 10
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User Ratings
Coveo Relevance CloudSearchspring
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(4 ratings)
(4 ratings)
Likelihood to Renew
(2 ratings)
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(1 ratings)
User Testimonials
Coveo Relevance CloudSearchspring
Likelihood to Recommend
Coveo Relevance Cloud is a great solution to implement into Salesforce to provide Knowledge-Centered Support, Enhancements to a Customer Community, to provide sales aids, or to complement your customized app in Salesforce.
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Search Spring offers strong options for search customizations: synonyms, redirects, query replacements, spell corrections, etc. We enjoy the ability to boost and unique product display options. We were 4Tell customers prior to the Search Spring acquisition and we're looking forward to both being part of one console. Search Spring is a really solid, stable search/merch platform that I would recommend for any mid-market business.
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  • Coveo is fast, search results come up quick (though it's not always great).
  • Not much complexity to run.
  • Coveo is implemented within our portal and doesn't require extra steps to use it.
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  • SearchSpring can pull in products that match specific terms according to your customizations in their dashboard.
  • SearchSpring can change the main image of products to reflect what is being searched for, such as a specific color.
  • SearchSpring can account for misspellings and typos in the search bar by using search customizations.
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  • It would be great if Coveo 6 allowed you to rebuild indexes from a certain subtree instead of needing to rebuild the entire tree to see changes. This functionality was added in Coveo 7 and is very useful.
  • In Coveo 6, integration with Sitecore is more difficult than one would expect. This integration is much improved in Coveo 7.
  • I have seen cases where an exception thrown when crawling a specific document will cause the indexing to stop completely. I believe this only happens in implementations using custom faceting but it could be handled more efficiently if the trouble document was skipped and the indexing could continue.
  • Relevancy ranking editor is good but not as powerful as GSA. GSA offers a self-learning scorer which automatically analyzes user behavior and the specific links that users click on for specific queries to fine tune relevance and scoring.
  • We've ran into issues on multiple clients with Sitecore items being indexed multiple times in Sitecore 7 and Coveo 7. The fix Coveo suggested was to upgrade our Sitecore version and Coveo but unfortunately this didn't resolve our issue. After months of testing we were finally able to resolve this by implementing our own CoveoItemCrawler to get around the issue (based on;jsessionid=3C1A2AE33540E0A0B8BB52BA3A64AF70).
  • Integration with RabbitMQ in Coveo 7 seems error prone. We often see the error "The AMQP operation was interrupted" and on occasion, need to restart the Coveo service to get this operating again. In some extreme cases, we have also had to restart the server because of issues when attempting to restart the Coveo service.
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  • Developing 'cocktails' of different ranking criteria. At the moment we can only serve results based on either 'relevancy' or 'sales performance'. It would be great to not only have the ability to blend these two options (by search term), but also add additional facets into the mix, such as stock quantity, margin, sponsorship factor etc...
  • Provide financing reporting on results - so we know how much revenue/conversion has been driven from specific search terms. For example, "Baby Milk" drove 50 searches, 6 direct conversions (customers that searched went on to buy an item(s) that were recommended), 16 indirect conversions (customers that searched went on to buy other item(s) not severed).
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Likelihood to Renew
This question is not applicable to me
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Support Rating
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We have a monthly phone call with our account manager, and she is available for calls in between as well. She has always been accessible. Working with her has been easy and she has provided training where needed. She is proactive in making sure we have everything we need and feel comfortable with the platform.
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Alternatives Considered
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Nextopia’s features were on par or better than consideration set at a lower cost and with an easier implementation. Contract terms were also more favorable.
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Return on Investment
  • Quick to find things in a massive database when needed.
  • Results need to be more concise - sometimes we spend more time looking for the right file than if we were to just search amongst our own networks instead.
  • Coveo is not always the most useful but does its job when general information is needed.
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  • Increased our site search speed.
  • Increased conversion rate.
  • Increase in sales by boosting best sellers and relevant items throughout the year.
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Searchspring Screenshots

Screenshot of Autocomplete helps shoppers find products.Screenshot of Keep shoppers engaged by highlighting relevant promotions, sales, and content as they scroll by easily adding Inline Banners to your ecommerce site.