TrustRadius Top Rated Talent Management Software for Enterprise 2015

Oracle Taleo

Talent Management Software

Software Profile & Review Summary

Taleo's roots are in recruiting, and the company was founded in Canada in 1996 originally as a job board. The company initially changed its name to Recruitersoft and became Taleo in 2004. The company expanded from its base in recruiting adding performance management in 2010, compensation management in 2009, and learning management in 2010. Addition of these capabilities was achieved largely through acquisition of other companies. Oracle acquired Taleo in 2012 for $1.9billion. Oracle offers different versions of the suite for enterprises and SMBs called Oracle Taleo Enterprise Cloud Service and Oracle Taleo Business Edition Cloud Service respectively.

Company Status: Public
2014 Revenue: $309m (2011 before acquisition)*
Revenue Growth 2013-2014: N/A
Customers: 5,000+ *
Employees: 293 + (from LinkedIn)

Oracle Taleo Customer Distribution

Oracle Taleo Customer Distribution Pie Chart
Source: (32) User reviews of Oracle Taleo on TrustRadius

Aggregate User Ratings of Oracle Taleo on TrustRadius

Source: (32) User reviews of Oracle Taleo on TrustRadius
Rating Attribute Oracle Taleo Rating # of Reviewers Contributing to Rating Average Talent Management Category Average
Likelihood to recommend 7.3 32 7.4
Likelihood to renew 7.6 24 7.7
Product usability 6.0 1 7.6
Product availability N/A N/A 8.5
Product performance N/A N/A 7.2
Support N/A N/A 6.2
In-person training N/A N/A 8.4
Online training 8 1 7.4
Implementation satisfaction N/A N/A 7.4

Oracle Taleo Talent Management Ratings

Source: (32) User reviews of Oracle Taleo on TrustRadius
Talent Management Component Talent Management Rating Number of Ratings Average Talent Management Rating
Performance Management 8.4 5 7.8
Goal Alignment 6.5 11 7.3
Succession Planning 8.4 5 7.1
Recruiting/ ATS N/A N/A 6.2

Summary of Oracle Taleo Reviews

Source: (32) User reviews of Oracle Taleo on TrustRadius
Oracle Taleo Pros Oracle Taleo Cons
The ATS is an effective platform for recruiting allowing for pre-screening, candidate tracking, easy posting to external job boards, and good applicant communication tools.
Onboarding capabilities are not as intuitive as other modules. Configuration can be challenging.
Performance management
Individual performance management, career planning and goal alignment is a strong offering.
Customer support
Customer service has deteriorated significantly since the acquisition by Oracle. Long response times and lackluster service.
User interface
The system is generally quite intuitive, even for the non-technical.
The ATS is not cost-effective for smaller organizations, although there are enterprise and SMB versions.
The system is very customizable allowing creation of different user experiences.
System slowness
Some users complain of system latency and occasional crashes.
Reporting gets mixed reviews with several reviewers indicating functionality is not very intuitive or flexible for non-technical users. For more advanced users though, the reporting engine provides useful hiring metrics.

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