Rubrik Pricing Overview


What is Rubrik?

Rubrik is cloud data management and enterprise backup software provided by Palo Alto-based Rubrik, Inc. It is a software platform that provides backup, instant recovery, archival, search, analytics, compliance, and copy data management in one secure fabric across data centers and clouds.


  • Does not haveFree Trial
  • Does not haveFree/Freemium Version
  • Does not havePremium Consulting/Integration Services

Entry-level set up fee?

  • No setup fee

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Rubrik Alternatives Pricing

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What is Veeam Data Platform?

Veeam’s® premier product, Veeam Backup & Replication™, delivers availability for all cloud, virtual, Kubernetes and physical workloads. Through a management console, the software provides backup, archival, recovery and replication capabilities.

BDRSuite Backup & Replication

What is BDRSuite Backup & Replication?

Vembu BDR Suite is a universal backup solution catering to the backup, recovery, and disaster recovery needs of diverse IT environments. It is also optimized for service providers who deliver BaaS and DRaaS to their customers.

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What is Acronis Cyber Protect?

Acronis Cyber Protect helps you safeguard your data from various threats while natively integrating your data protection and cybersecurity.