Watsol LIMS an over rated software
Rating: 1 out of 10
October 21, 2019
Verified User
Vetted Review
Verified User
1 year of experience
Watson is use at our clinical sites for sample collection and management. It is also use in our bioanalytical Ligand binding and small/large molecule laboratories. Our preclinical site is currently implementing the software.
Our bioanalytical lab also use Watson for their reporting.
Our bioanalytical lab also use Watson for their reporting.
- The concept of Master assay and study assay is interesting.
- The security management can not be considered as an innovation but works correctly.
- The only positive impact is for client facing. Watson lims is well known in the industry and the purchase of this software increase the credibility of our organization.
- The ROI is a disaster. First: The cost of the software is significantly to high, the user licences cost also contribute in the ROI disaster. Second: The implementation of watson lims significantly decrease our laboratory efficiency.
The only reason to have selected Watson lims software is for its (overestimated!) credibility in the industry.