Adobe Captivate - the ONLY and BEST authoring tool you can use!
Overall Satisfaction with Adobe Captivate
Adobe Captivate was initially used by myself and team to design our in-house eLearning content, however, we quickly shared the tool (and our expertise) across the organization to other companies and teams interested in designing eLearning content. We benchmarked with other providers but found that Captivate was the most user-friendly and aligned product. It was easy to use other design suite items with Captivate and it was a fairly easy product to learn.
- Easy to use and update
- Excellent ability to create interactive content e.g. videos/games/imagery
- Can be published as a interactive file without having Captivate OR a fully functioning LMS which means reaching more learners more easily
- I don't think it has any room for improvement - it has worked seamlessly for us
- Adobe Captivate was a HUGE cost savings for us. We were using an external firm to design our content (in flash) which is now uneditable and not user friendly, at a large cost.
- Due to the ability to publish more interactive PDF files we can allow people without access to Prime or an LMS to leverage our eLearning content through Adobe Reader
- Full flexibility in updating and aligning training to new branding easily and cost free.
Captivate is SIGNIFICANTLY more user-friendly than Storyline or Flash. We found Storyline challenging and not as integrated as Captivate and Flash made it much harder to make edits to older content. While Storyline is viable we just don't feel it has the same capability or power as Captivate, its not as cost effective and it doesn't make our lives easier. Captivate is the ONLY tool we will use.
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