New user experience
Overall Satisfaction with Airtable
Our organization works with non-profit associations, providing essential business management services. That includes financial management, member management, and training and convention planning. We have been searching for a tool that will handle membership for smaller organizations without going to a full blown member management solution (which we use when appropriate). After considerable research, I came across AirTable. We are really looking forward to utilizing this platform in a number of ways, all geared towards member management and record retention for this client organizations we have. I like the flexibility that we will have with it, and I really appreciate that we can set up each client independently and model their database as we see fit.
- Flexible formatting
- Reporting
- Intuitive
- Too early in my use to tell
- It is allowing us, a small organization ourselves, to provide a higher level of service to our clients without unnecessary, or unrealistic expenditures on our part.
- The fast turnaround on requests for information to implementation directions is appreciated!
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