Airtable is Amazing!
March 22, 2018

Airtable is Amazing!

Jenna Fiore | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Airtable

Here at St. Anthony's Free Clothing Program we use Airtable within our program for all of our donation drive logistics. This includes sending forms to donors for donation drive registration or pick-up requests, scheduling events for our truck driver (such as drop-offs, pick-ups, meetings, etc), and tracking drive history by organization. It saves a lot of administrative staff time and streamlines the drive scheduling process.


  • Forms - ability to customize questions and take data straight from the source directly into your database
  • Blocks- add-on features that allow you to geocode and map data, create printable views, send SMS messages, and so much more
  • Scheduling - advanced calendar feature that is very useful in coordinating event dates and includes color coding and advanced search options


  • The ability to automatically apply pre-set sorting preferences to newly added records (feature currently in progress)
  • Ability to view blocks on mobile
  • Ability to customize which blocks show in certain views (currently either all shown or all hiden)
  • Airtable has saved countless staff hours that were previously spent on meticulous administrative tasks
  • It has streamlined data collection therefore minimizing room for errors
  • Has improved communication by providing real-time, updated information to all users
  • Smartsheets
Smartsheets seemed to have the capabilities and features that we wanted from airtable, however, it was unclear what the final product would look like and required an upfront investment of time and money to pay for consulting hours and create the system that we needed. With Airtable it was so user-friendly and intuitive that I was able to test our different set-ups on my own and create something that worked well for my team before committing to the pro plan (which we now have and love!).
Airtable is well suited for all of our drive tracking and scheduling needs. After comparing this software with many other options on the market, Airtable was by far the most intuitive, clear, and user-friendly while not losing any of the power and functions of a strong database software. They continue to come out with amazing features that make it the best option for collecting data, categorizing data, summarizing data, and handling data with events (dates/time).

Airtable Feature Ratings

Task Management
Not Rated
Resource Management
Gantt Charts
Not Rated
Workflow Automation
Not Rated
Team Collaboration
Support for Agile Methodology
Not Rated
Support for Waterfall Methodology
Not Rated
Document Management
Not Rated
Email integration
Not Rated
Mobile Access
Timesheet Tracking
Not Rated
Change request and Case Management
Not Rated
Budget and Expense Management
Not Rated


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