AppsFlyer - as the name suggests, incredible software to analyze your app not your web
August 11, 2020

AppsFlyer - as the name suggests, incredible software to analyze your app not your web

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Modules Used

  • Attribution
  • Audiences
  • API

Overall Satisfaction with AppsFlyer

We are using AppsFlyer to get all the events data that are happening in the app and website of our company. AppsFlyer collects all the data for us and we analyze it in Power BI, join the data with other sources to get more useful analysis to make the right choices and changes in our company.


  • Grab all the events in apps.
  • Provide us all the data in only 6 hours since the event was done.
  • Really powerful and easy UI.


  • Improve the contact center.
  • Improve the install and uninstall events to be more accurate with the appstores.
  • Take more into account the suggestions.
  • Improve our knowledge in the app.
  • Reduce the budget marketing.
  • Improve the accuracy in the app analysis.
  • Funnel
  • Power BI
It was easy because we connect all the data in the s3.
I recommend using AppsFlyer to companies that want to retrieve events from apps. AppsFlyer is really accurate recording events in apps but with web events is not as accurate as it should be. For this, if you want to record only web events AppsFlyer is not your option. Just in my opinion.


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