Buddy used to be a Leader; SalesForce Over Promises Under Delivers
Overall Satisfaction with Buddy Media
- If your company needs a complex role-based permission set for seeding social posts, scheduling, work flow, Buddy is pretty good.
- What used to be leading edge on deploying engagement widgets (aka sapplets) has become too cumbersome for simple deployments, usually requiring help from Buddy to put it together.
- Since being bought by SalesForce and marketed as a bundle with Radian6, they force you into the bundle when nothing is integrated, not even billing.
- Buddy along with most platforms in this category are still using number of social accounts as the threshold for increases in costs. When this is taken to scale for large brands like QSR's this is not a feasible or cost effective solution. This puts Buddy in direct conflict with Facebook and G+'s move towards hyper local (which by the way other than reviews I'm against)
- It executes our posts efficiently.
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