March 24, 2020 Review

Brennan Quinn | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with is used across all customer facing teams. As a member of the sales team, I regularly use to review my calls after the fact and pick out important pieces of information. This tool allows me to focus on having a productive sales conversation rather than feverishly writing down everything my customer says.


  • Provides a transcript of everything said
  • Displays the % of time that you speak vs the customer
  • Creates a record of your calls for later review


  • It'd be nice if it synced with Salesforce
  • It serves its purpose, so I don't have any complaints
  • Really helped to listen to other reps phone calls when getting ramped.
  • Provides management with calls if a rep wants input.
  • Creates a library of win examples.
Honestly I don't know what specific features are most useful. I really only use Chorus to listen back to my calls, which I'm sure is just the tip of the iceberg.
It's a fantastic tool for a salesperson and I could see it being useful for a customer success manager as well. Just having a record of exactly what is said makes deciphering notes a non-issue and absolutely nothing can get lost in translation. I like how you can just skip to a portion of the call when the customer is speaking, so you don't have to listen back to everything.


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