Conversica will help improve your efficiency.
August 13, 2019

Conversica will help improve your efficiency.

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
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Modules Used

  • Automotive Dealer Sales AI Assistant

Overall Satisfaction with Conversica

Conversica is used across multiple locations within my company, not 100% sure if it is in every location. We use it to aid in customer retention, better email penetration, and for the thorough customer follow-up.

Primarily, I would say it is most useful in helping reinforce to our customers that we value them and care about their needs.


  • Great email penetration, have few if any issues where customers do not receive a Conversica email.
  • You cannot beat the thoroughness of an AI, you don't need to babysit Conversica for it to do its job.
  • Reports are useful in targeting and valuing our customer base.


  • The last major visual update for Conversica, does look nicer, but made things more difficult to use in the lead manager page, requires more work to view customer responses and was a step backwards from the previous version.
  • Unfortunately I do not have access to those reports at the moment, so I am only able to affirm that it has had a positive impact on our ROI.
The responsiveness is top notch, nothing is perfect, and every service will have issues in its lifetime. So what matters most is a company's ability to respond and assist in those situations and they are very quick to do so.
It was around 5 years ago, so it is hard to remember clearly, but I do not recall any major issues or delays with the implementation. Any issues were small enough as not to be remembered.

I think Conversica's AI is a perfect compliment to any human element in a CRM, bringing a balance between a more personalized human response and a more thorough, rigid AI .

I've always likened it to a commercial fishing boat, where efficiency is casting a wide net, and Conversica is that net for our company, letting our team spend their time in a more productive/rewarding manner.


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