CrowdCompass helps control crowds at events
January 11, 2019

CrowdCompass helps control crowds at events

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with CrowdCompass

CrowdCompass is being used by the whole organization and attendees at our events. CrowdCompass creates a way to connect with attendees and staff onsite through banner ads, push notifications, etc.


  • CrowdCompass allows us to connect with attendees during the event
  • Through CrowdCompass, we can send targeted push notifications to particular regions or attendees of particular sessions
  • Through Click in CrowdCompass, attendees have a different experience through a Scavenger Hunt


  • Reporting could be updated to include, how many people are clicking on notifications, who exactly is clicking/spending time on things within the app
  • Visually it could look more updated
  • CrowdCompass should send notifications directly to the phone, rather than only when the app is open
  • CrowdCompass could improve how people connect within the app
  • Improved targeted advertisements
  • Increased interaction between attendees, staff and speakers
Due to its cost, CrowdCompass should be utilized for multi-day events and with large crowds.


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