Protect the quality of your data!
March 25, 2022

Protect the quality of your data!

Tommy Sapienza | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Modules Used

  • MassImpact
  • Single Table Deduplicator

Overall Satisfaction with DemandTools

We use DemandTools to dedupe records in our Salesforce Org. DemandTools allows us to use various scenarios to find duplicate records that may have used more than 1 email address. Reducing the number of duplicates in our system allows us to save money when it comes to sending out various print materials to potential students. We do not end up wasting multiple materials to one record or any additional postage it may take. We also use MassImpact to allow us to update large amounts of records in one instance instead of having to do it multiple times.


  • Reduce Duplicate records.
  • Allow mass updates to records.
  • Easy system to use.


  • Perhaps change the layout.
  • Perhaps some automation.
  • Have a saved scenario option.
  • Deduplication
  • MassImpact
  • MassBackup
  • Prevents overspending.
  • Frees up database space.
  • Allows us to communicate effectively.

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Would you buy DemandTools again?


DemandTools is perfect for any system that constantly adds new records to its database. For example, in higher education, we are constantly purchasing search names from various vendors and DemandTools allows us to make sure we are not doubling up on the same records. It saves us money in the long run as we are not mailing out multiple copies of our brochures to the same person.


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