FoxitPhantom PDF is a paperless dream come true...
March 14, 2017

FoxitPhantom PDF is a paperless dream come true...

Jeremiah Alexander | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with FoxitPhantom PDF

We currently use FoxitPhantom PDF to convert all our documents to a paperless PDF filing system. We are cleared over 30 filing cabinets so far. We also have implemented an scan-and-shred system where every (well almost every) new document that comes in is immediately scanned and then shredded. Finally we use the PDF optimizer to save space on all our large files.


  • Shrinking PDF files
  • Combining multiple PDF's into one
  • Converting to PDF and printing to PDF


  • Their PDF editing is not very intuitive and building from a blank PDF is frustrating
  • When it does crash, the crash reporting tool has never worked right.
  • Edit text sometimes has problems grabbing the correct text on a busy page
  • We have cut our mailed AR by over 60% by exporting to foxit and emailing.
  • We have cleared an entire room to be used as additional office space by scanning in old documents.
  • The feature that allows you to directly type onto PDFs has increased our quality control by allowing us to highlight or add notes to important info.
FoxitPhantom PDF works just as well for a fraction of the price, and I feel more secure not using an adobe product on my computer. While the feature sets are very similar Foxit is both easier to use personally and easier to teach to new employees. We used Adobe for several years and it was always viewed as a necessary evil.
For smaller companies looking to go paperless it is perfect. It's affordable, easy to use, and has a really good workflow for converting everything. I think it also works well for companies who are looking to convert just their mail to email attachments. This was actually where we started and it worked flawlessly. I think bigger companies would need something more integrated or will already have the same features built into a larger system.


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