Google Ads Manager: Big Money, but Big Results Too
March 13, 2020

Google Ads Manager: Big Money, but Big Results Too

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Google Ad Manager

The Marketing department is the primary user of Google Ads Manager. As a non-profit staffing/recruitment agency, we use google for both search advertising and display advertising. We advertise open positions we are recruiting for, hiring events and job fairs, and general branding strategy for our agency. The advertising mostly supports our talent acquisition team as a means of sourcing candidates for jobs.


  • The obvious is the data - Google Ads Manager gives me essential and even critical data about which jobs and industries are hot right now and what is driving the most response.
  • Google Ad Manager gives us more control over the search engine results page as we get more visibility and real estate on our branded search terms and job/industry-specific search terms.
  • Google Ad Manager gives us the chance to compete with major national players in job recruitment, Monster, Indeed, LinkedIn, etc.


  • One of the major areas that Google could improve is in budget management - Google makes it extremely easy to spend money that may not even be relevant.
  • Google Ads Manager could improve it's notification system when ads are not optimized or they have suggestions of how to improve ad performance.
  • Google Ad Manager could improve its speed to approving search or display ads, or offering feedback on rejected ads. Often, I have no idea why an ad was rejected or what policy it supposedly violated.
  • Google has helped us gain visibility in a crowded space - we've been able to really push new traffic to our site; people who had never heard of it because we are a relatively new organization (launched in 2016).
  • Google has, unfortunately, wasted some of our money - if you don't have the staff to monitor and update ads every single day, you'll almost surely waste some money. Reminds me of the old adage, I know 50% of my marketing budget is wasted but I am just not sure which 50%...
  • Google has definitely helped us in retargeting and bringing users back who visited our site at least once.
As I alluded to earlier, you kind of have to be on Google if you want to search marketing. I've tried Bing Ads and I just don't see the same volume or quality. With dwindling targeting abilities on social media sites like Facebook, Google is still tall and mighty and helps us with intent-based targeting rather than just interest-based targeting.
Google Ads Manager is great if you need major visibility on a large ad network rather than targeting one specific website, app or platform. Let's be real here if you have any business that is done online (sell products, generate leads, etc) you pretty much have to be on Google. I've tried other advertising solutions including competitor search engines, sponsored content solutions, social media advertising, and none really compare to the traffic you can get that is keyword-driven, meaning a user is actually demonstrating interest in whatever you sell or offer.

Google Ad Manager Feature Ratings

Ad campaign creation
Ad deployment
Display advertising
Ad display and retargeting segmentation
Sequence targeting
Not Rated
Data Transfer
DSP integration
Not Rated
Ad dashboards
Ad performance reports
Ad conversion tracking
Ad attribution reporting
Cross-channel ad management
Ad forecasting and optimization


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