User Friendly Meetings
January 13, 2014

User Friendly Meetings

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction

In my previous position as Account Manager, I began using GoToMeeting about 2 years ago. Since my account was at the onset of requirements building for several large projects, it became necessary to find a better resource for allowing us to stage demoes more often with our client contacts.


  • The interface for this product is very intuitive. I found it simple to utilize some of the tools they provided to highlight points of emphasis during meetings.
  • Using the tool several times to setup meetings with new participants, I had no problems reported from those joining or following from anyone who was asked.
  • I found it very convenient to launch meetings from the launcher. I didn't have to login and could easily track attendees as they joined.


  • The product does not seem to have all the bells and whistles other software may include, yet I did not explore the advanced features at a great length.
  • It seems to have a focus on being user friendly, as being full of extra features.
  • I would label it a bread and butter meeting tool.
  • Fast Setup
  • Simple Solution
  • Low cost
I could rely on this product to not cause any issues during my meetings. The dependability and simplicity would make it difficult for me to seek out another software unless I needed something more advanced.
I would definitely recommend the software to those who would use it for on-the-go demos and meetings. The simple setup and easy to use features make it a painless experience. I haven't used the product to hold advanced conferences, so I wouldn't necessarily use it in that manner without further research. It is comforting to use a simple product when organizing frequent meetings.


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