Cybersecurity training made easy!
September 21, 2020
Cybersecurity training made easy!
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training
We began using KnowBe4 as a test for just a few of our IT staff, and it's grown to a full-blown training system for the entirety of our user base. Basically anyone that has an internet-accessible email address is training on it. Anyone with a chance to be reached by a phisher or spammer gets trained and ready.
- Easy to understand the topics by users
- Well made videos
- Thoughtfully made testing
- More cyber security tools
- Better email client integration
- Automated phishing uploader
- Our helpdesk saves time fixing computers that get infected
- Users save time identifying phishing messages
- Admins save time manually testing phishing messages
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Having users who know what to do with a potentially malicious email is extremely valuable. Keeping them on the bleeding edge of security research, but in a way that they can grasp and use, is beyond valuable. I also appreciate the multiple content publishers as training doesn't always feel the same. It's varied and keeps the user interested.
User management is handled all in the web GUI online. It's not hard to get your entire user base uploaded and registered. It does take some convincing to get everyone to log in and create their passwords, but once management backs you up they get it done. After that, all they have to do is start their assigned training!
Getting requests for reports and metrics from managers looking for their weakest link is no longer a chore. You can pull up a list of everyone and their scores in no time. Also, the security team can see which users may need more training and get it set up easily as well.
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