Phish your users in a good way
Updated March 01, 2022
Phish your users in a good way

Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Software Version
Training Access Level III (Diamond)
Modules Used
- KnowBe4 Cybersecurity Awareness Posters
- KnowBe4 Training Modules (e.g. Common Threats, Creating Strong Passwords, GDPR, etc.)
- KnowBe4 Training Micro-modules (e.g. Captain Awareness, Credit Card Security, etc.)
Overall Satisfaction with KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training
We use KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training to run our continuous test phishing campaigns for our staff. All users are sent at least one test phishing email, and depending on their responses, they are allocated KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training if they fail the test. The campaigns are super easy to set up, and the content of the test emails are very realistic and provide a good challenge for our staff.
- Updating their training content
- Providing technical support when your stuck
- Phish Alert functionality is brilliant in reporting suspected phishing email
- Add more reporting templates
- Improve API functionality by adding more reporting endpoints
- Improve data extraction options when migrating databases
- Improved phishing awareness culture across the business
- Improved our staff reporting habits
- Improved security team visibility on incoming malware and shortened the time to react to the incidence
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Using KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training
2500 - Staff across all business functions use knowbe4 for security phishing awareness training.
Ad hoc departmental training on various security topics including Ransomware, Social Engineering etc are also performed using Knowbe4 mod4 training store.
Ad hoc departmental training on various security topics including Ransomware, Social Engineering etc are also performed using Knowbe4 mod4 training store.
2 - It is supported by an individual from Service desk team and escalated to Security Analyst if required.
- On Going phishing awareness training
- Annual security awareness training
- Raising awareness for social engineering attacks
- Good content for regular security newsletters
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