Good, but the O365 version is missing required features from the SharePoint On-Prem Version.
May 13, 2020
Good, but the O365 version is missing required features from the SharePoint On-Prem Version.

Score 1 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Software Version
Nintex Workflow for Office365
Overall Satisfaction with Nintex Process Platform
We use Nintex Process Platform within a department, with triggers mainly from SharePoint. We're using it for user notifications, task reminders, and process automation.
- Email notifications
- SharePoint field updating
- SharePoint record creation
- Missing the ability to trigger an event when a field changes. THIS IS CRITICAL.
- Missing the ability to test an automation.
- Using SharePoint On-Prem worked great, now that we moved to Office 365, not useful without being able to trigger based on a field changing!
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