Good, but the O365 version is missing required features from the SharePoint On-Prem Version.
May 13, 2020

Good, but the O365 version is missing required features from the SharePoint On-Prem Version.

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 1 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version

Nintex Workflow for Office365

Overall Satisfaction with Nintex Process Platform

We use Nintex Process Platform within a department, with triggers mainly from SharePoint. We're using it for user notifications, task reminders, and process automation.


  • Email notifications
  • SharePoint field updating
  • SharePoint record creation


  • Missing the ability to trigger an event when a field changes. THIS IS CRITICAL.
  • Missing the ability to test an automation.
  • Using SharePoint On-Prem worked great, now that we moved to Office 365, not useful without being able to trigger based on a field changing!
Currently, I give Nintex Process Platform a rating of "1" because of the missing ability to trigger a workflow when a field changes. This was present using Nintex on SharePoint On-Prem. It's missing for the Office 365 version.

Nintex Feature Ratings

Process designer
Business rules engine
SOA support
Not Rated
Form builder
Not Rated
Model execution
Not Rated
Not Rated
Standard reports
Not Rated
Custom reports
Not Rated


  • Elise Harrington | TrustRadius Reviewer
    I'm sorry to learn about issue you're having with triggering workflows on Nintex for Office 365. I'd like to connect with someone on our customer success team to learn more about this challenge and see what we can do to help. Please email me:

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