Makes sure your sites are up as they should be!
February 01, 2018

Makes sure your sites are up as they should be!

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
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Overall Satisfaction with Pingdom

Our service providers use Pingdom to monitor website availability and up times and the impact various 3rd parties that aid our website operation have one this. For example, we were recently able to see that one of our CDN accelerators were causing down times on one of our websites and we could take the reports out of Pingdom to prove this.


  • User-friendly Screens
  • Flexible reports
  • Tracks website up time


  • Additional reports
  • Historical view/ reports of up to 6 years
  • Weekly/Monthly report from Pingdom to users and clients alike showing up times etc
  • Excellent site monitoring allowing us to take necessary steps instantly to address outage or downtimes, thus keeping steady up time for our website customers
  • Detailed enough to get reasons of outages, which then lets us liaise with 3rd parties if necessary and to even get compensations in the event of missing SLAs
  • Negative: we still need to rely on our technical team to understand the reports from Pingdom
  • New Relic and statusok
I wasn't part of the selection process but I can say that the user-friendliness for a slightly technical person and the level of detail and reporting makes it better than the other ones I've worked with. I've heard of better ones in the market like Pingometer and up-down, but I haven't used them.
Pingdom is appropriate for site monitoring, website up times, website speed, DNS checks and also the convenience of accessing this on mobile apps. Its suitable for a support team, but it could be improved to make it more suitable for business users alike by having a skimmed version of it with less technical detailing and more layman-friendly reporting.


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