Planview Projectplace: A solid solution for your project tracking and task management needs
July 07, 2021
Planview Projectplace: A solid solution for your project tracking and task management needs

Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Planview Projectplace
Planview Projectplace is being used throughout the organization mainly by project management teams across the development teams. Multiple locations and countries often collaborate together using English as the main language that is used on the software. The business problems addressed are mostly tracking of to-do items related to project management milestones. It has been especially useful in terms of allocating tasks across a board and enabling everyone to edit their tasks so it decreases the amount of time project managers need to spend in order to get updates.
- Easy to start up and use without much training
- Kanban board makes task tracking easy
- Collaboration is easy across team members
- Integration with Microsoft products
- Support for agile workstreams
- Document management
- Quick setup has saved the organization time
- Ability to track tasks easily has made remote work easier especially across time zones
- Saved project management effort since members can easily update their own tasks
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Would you buy Planview ProjectPlace again?
We selected Planview Projectplace since while Jira is great for Agile software teams, often there was a barrier to entry for project and program managers who were more interested in higher level task tracking around deliverables, etc. Planview Projectplace had enough features to be useful but not so many that start-up and onboarding of new members was time intensive so it ended up being a good tool for the needs for our project manager and team.
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