QuickBase Pros & Cons
November 04, 2016

QuickBase Pros & Cons

Eric Enfield | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with QuickBase

QuickBase is used to track the daily progress of the jobs being worked on by various groups. It is also used as a workflow tool allowing users to work out of a queue.


  • QuickBase does a good job of supplying real time updates for users to see.
  • QuickBase allows for admins to make quick changes and see results right away.


  • Since QuickBase functions using RAM memory it can quickly overload the server it is on when apps are quarantined due to the amount of memory they use.
  • Having QuickBase perform a split second analysis of the report turn around can cause tables with large amounts of data to give up before providing results. This can cause users to have to rework reports or get frustrated with the system.
QuickBase does a good job at providing real time updates for users. It also has some great bolt on features that can be added by third party consultants.

The new pricing may cause smaller companies to steer away due to the cost.


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