We love Qvidian at Tyler
Updated April 08, 2015

We love Qvidian at Tyler

Lauren Whiteaker | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version

Version 10.1

Modules Used

  • RFP builder

Overall Satisfaction with Qvidian Proposal Automation

Our company is currently using Qvidian as an RFP builder in one of our local government divisions. We are currently getting two other divisions interested in the product. One is in training, and the other has not yet purchased, but is considering.


  • Using Qvidian as an RFP tool has made a difference in our RFP process, turn-around time, and content development. It's helped us streamline our RFP process so that we are able to produce the majority of the document before the kick-off meeting, which means we have more time to customize and refine the document before it goes to print.
  • Additionally, it took several hours before to gather all of the basic data we needed for an RFP, but now we can have the majority of the response ready in under 15 minutes in most cases. We are also able to start projects from our phones (iPhone thru Safari) or on an iPad. This has been extremely helpful while traveling.
  • Finally, our content is centrally located on a searchable database. Previously we had used several free tools to aid in content storage that would allow us access easily via search. It never seemed to do what we wanted, and when we did find something, we weren't sure if it was the most current or usable. The library functions in Qvidian have been a huge help, and has changes the way we collect data, and retrieve it.


  • The library works great, but the process of moving files from one folder to another is extremely tedious. From what I've heard, there used to be a drag and drop feature in the library. I would like to see thy come back.
  • It would be nice to see the final word doc displayed in the project, without having to drill down into it to retrieve it.
  • The reports are great to have, but I would like to see a customer driven reporting tool.
  • Our experience has been largely positive. It's allowed our RFP team to quickly and efficiently produce very professional documents. This has lead to more time being able to speak to the clients needs specifically. We've received lots of positive feedback from clients saying that the RFP looked tailored to them, and not just some content dumped in a binder. That was our goal.
I think this took works really well for most RFPs that people will respond to. If the RFPs you receive are not able to be produced with boilerplate answers, and are answered differently each time, it might not be the tool for you. From my experience in RFPs, I can't say I've seen many of those, though.

Using Qvidian Proposal Automation

This has been an extremely helpful tool. I can't imagine going back to the previous process. And we looked at lots of other tools. This seems to fit our needs very well.

Qvidian Proposal Automation Implementation

  • Vendor implemented
  • Implemented in-house


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