Extremely unreliable SQL program that would be great if it just worked
July 18, 2019

Extremely unreliable SQL program that would be great if it just worked

Jake Schlingman | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 4 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Sequel Pro

Sequel Pro is used to query data from our system. This is usually limited to our test QA databases. It's also used to test certain elements when creating new features to ensure that data is being created correctly in the appropriate tables. It is used across our engineering and product departments today.


  • Ability to quickly connect to a variety of databases.
  • Ability to see the schema and data within the tables so you don't have to go looking for it.
  • Theoretically, the ability to have multiple connections open in multiple tabs at the same time (see problems section for why I say "theoretically").
  • Ability to write queries and have them execute locally.
  • Quickly see relations between tables and rows in tables.


  • It crashes CONSTANTLY. If you have more than one connection tab open and close one of them, it crashes. If you just have it open in the background, it randomly crashes. If you're using it, it randomly crashes. When you try to send a crash report, the CRASH REPORTER CRASHES.
  • Can be a bit slow.
  • No way that I'm aware of to query multiple databases in the same query.
  • Unreliability has lead to wasted time and frustration among staff.
  • The ease of testing database changes and modifying test data WHEN IT WORKS theoretically makes testing quick and easy but in reality, this is far outweighed by the wasted time and frustration involved with it not being reliable.
  • The ease of seeing the relations between tables is very nice and saves time when trying to see how unfamiliar tables are connected.
Honestly, if Sequel Pro was more reliable it'd be a great tool for our needs. It does everything we need it to do in regards to querying a single database, seeing the data schema, modifying test data, etc. The fact is that it isn't. The constant crashing is a HUGE problem. It makes simple tasks take much longer and it is extremely frustrating. I can't even report the crash because the crash reporting tool crashes every time you try to send the report. LITERALLY EVERY TIME. I can't wait until we find a new, more reliable tool.


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