Symantec ATP is a great offering for medium and larger business looking to control their own Network protection.
July 14, 2021

Symantec ATP is a great offering for medium and larger business looking to control their own Network protection.

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
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Overall Satisfaction with Symantec Advanced Threat Protection

We use Symantec ATP as our one stop shop when it comes to proactive monitoring of our network, email, and internet traffic. The whole organization uses it even if they are remote (for work/VPN related traffic). It allows us the peace of mind to know we have an enterprise and industry standard incident management tool to use both proactively and in the case of an incident.


  • The incident management piece is the heart and soul of the product. A single area where all data in relation to network and email protection is available.
  • Works well in conjunction with the standard Symantec Endpoint product.
  • URL Protection is advanced and very helpful
  • Technical support is great and definitely the best I have ever seen for a "anti-virus" type product.


  • The interface can be a little wonky at times and can slow to a crawl when trying to do too much.
  • Having to manually (or use another tool such as Symantec Enterprise Manager) to upgrade the endpoints is not the best way to implement clients.
  • Pricing for purchase and upgrade is a little strange and takes more thinking than it should.
  • They were recently purchased by Broadcomm and the new regime has been making some changes that appear to be more for larger customers.
  • URL protection
  • Integration with the Symantec Endpoints
  • Network forensics in the case of an attack and or breach
  • Allows us to confidently announce to our clients that we have a product in place for our and their protection.
  • Forensics has saved us countless hours of searching during the somewhat rare time we needed to look into an attack (no breaches at this point).
  • Working with Symantec Endpoints allows us to have a singular face on our Network attack Protection offering.
  • Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (formerly Microsoft Defender ATP)
The Microsoft product is much better for smaller companies as the setup and maintenance are very much in line with the MS 365 eco-system. With that said the Symantec product is much more mature and with the ability to have local pieces to the infrastructure, you are not totally dependent on MS's cloud-only setup. They both have their merits and in my mind, they come down to Symantec being a better fit for larger companies with a full IT staff.

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Procore, Microsoft Endpoint Manager (Microsoft Intune + SCCM), Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365), Citrix ADC (formerly NetScaler ADC), Citrix ShareFile, Hyper-V
I think Symantec ATP is more of a medium or large-scale product where a company has a lot of endpoints. It is burdensome for smaller companies with limited IT support to try and get the product up and running. In addition I feel the new own, Broadcomm, is also trying to angle their product more to the large customer base. A medium or large scale customer in the need of end-to-end protection for their network really cannot go wrong with the product once configured correctly.


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