Xactly the administrators favorite system
June 10, 2019

Xactly the administrators favorite system

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
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Overall Satisfaction with Xactly Incent

90% of our employees are in a sales role. Xactly is used to calculate commissions for those producers. We have an expansive group of different plans that all calculate independently in Xactly. Xactly gives us the ability to calculate commissions in an easy to use platform for both producers and administrators.


  • Clickable to view further details
  • Customizable for different companies
  • Easy to administrate


  • Clicking enter in the user section
  • Ability to delete our specific order item and not have to remove the whole batch
  • Easier customer service routes
  • Using Xactly Incent along with Connect, we have been able to significantly reduce the time it takes to calculate commissions.
If you have commission plans that are unique and/or complex Xactly is incredibly helpful. The system creates a process in which you are using the administrative time to review rather than calculate. It is customizable to your company's needs. Our company had some very specific tasks and reports we would need out of the system.
This was accommodated. Also Xactly is very helpful for the front end user. They have the ability to click into most areas of the system to find further detail.


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