Why you need Zoom.
July 31, 2019

Why you need Zoom.

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
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Software Version


Overall Satisfaction with Zoom

Zoom is used for video conferencing of meetings ranging from sizes of just 2 up to 20 or more. We use it in our department amidst the unreliability of Skype for Business. It addresses the efficiency of getting meetings started without technical delay.


  • Teaching to large groups via video conference.
  • Hosting large meetings and using an iPad Pro to share screens and draw out plans.
  • Run and host podcasts with screen share and record video and audio (good quality).
  • Was able to have a Zoom call with two individuals—one in Dubai, the other in Australia—in which the reception was absolutely clear. It was like they were sitting right next to me.


  • There needs to be the ability to change the volume of others on the call as to effect the audio on your end only. Often times callers are too loud and the only way for me to get their volume lower is to ask them to turn down the gain on their mics which, in many cases, people do not know how to do that.
  • The green screen feature is brilliant but I would like greater ability to touch up hue and saturation of a video feed.
  • There have been some issues with windows sticking to one monitor, even after moving them to another monitor, they bounce back to the original monitor the window was on.
  • Only positive impact on meetings starting swiftly.
  • Audio records were used in past for podcasts where local recordings have failed without degradation in quality.
  • We have been able to record meetings and provide them to those who missed.
I have used Zoom Rooms in the past though I have found it a bit clunky and intrusive when asking people to come back to the main room.
Zoom is superior in cost, user-ability, connectivity, as well as audio and visual quality. Skype for Business is complete garbage and Adobe Connect is very rigid and convoluted to use.
Zoom is applicable to almost every video conferencing scenario. I personally use for podcasting and the live recording of podcasts on top of hosting lectures, video conference meetings, and just simply recording presentations to send out.

Zoom Workplace Feature Ratings

Not Rated
High quality audio
High quality video
Calendar integration
Meeting initiation
Record meetings / events
Desktop sharing
Live chat
User authentication
Participant roles & permissions


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