Accenture myWizard vs. Kissflow

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
Accenture myWizard
Score 8.1 out of 10
Accenture's myWizard is a business automation tool designed to help organizations take advantage of automation to improve business agility, customer experience and innovation.N/A
Score 6.6 out of 10
Enterprise companies (1,001+ employees)
Kissflow is a low-code platform for custom application development tailored to business operations. Kissflow empowers process owners and IT developers to automate and build processes and applications for internal business operations.
per month 50 Users
Accenture myWizardKissflow
Editions & Modules
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Small Business
per month
Pricing Offerings
Accenture myWizardKissflow
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Free/Freemium Version
Premium Consulting/Integration Services
Entry-level Setup FeeNo setup feeNo setup fee
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Best Alternatives
Accenture myWizardKissflow
Small Businesses
CMW Platform
CMW Platform
Score 9.3 out of 10
Score 9.2 out of 10
Medium-sized Companies
Score 9.9 out of 10
Score 9.9 out of 10
CMW Platform
CMW Platform
Score 9.3 out of 10
Score 9.2 out of 10
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User Ratings
Accenture myWizardKissflow
Likelihood to Recommend
(1 ratings)
(20 ratings)
Likelihood to Renew
(0 ratings)
(1 ratings)
Support Rating
(0 ratings)
(2 ratings)
User Testimonials
Accenture myWizardKissflow
Likelihood to Recommend
I would recommend Accenture myWizard to anyone who is looking for: 1. Enhancing their delivery productivity by using data analysis 2. To identify automation cases and get the suggestions for best automation tools to be used 3. Reduction in IT costs 4. Scalable self-healing framework which leverages AI and machine learning
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Kissflow, Inc (OrangeScape)
We've used Kissflow [School Cloud] in order to track parent requests for transportation in the SpEd department. It has been user friendly for parents to input a request and staff to review, double check school sites and locations, and set up specific routes to meet the needs of students and communicate the info back to parents.
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  • It helps in Ticket Inflow analysis (both qualitative and quantitative) and provides Prescriptive, Predictive, and Descriptive insights, and correlates large volumes of information
  • It is also majorly useful as Automation opportunity finder. Helps delivery engagements to understand their current process baselines and Automation maturity level, and identify Automation and Optimization opportunities and potential benefits
  • Project health check prediction. It helps in predicting the overall status of projects for the required timeline and also recommends past issues faced by similar project and respective actions taken.
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Kissflow, Inc (OrangeScape)
  • They know what they are. You aren't going to get a Workflow program that also wants to be a CRM. You will get the equivalent of an electronic assistant going from station to station, taking care of business and giving you the end result.
  • Paper. It reduces the amount of paper needed for menial tasks tremendously. You can automate an entire process. As an educational institution, you may still need paper copies, but you aren't waiting for John Doe to sign Line 3, then Jane Doe to initial, and so on and so on with a paper form.
  • Tracking. If you need to know where things are in the process, the fact that this program is dedicated to workflow makes it incredibly easy to identify where people are in the sales flow.
  • Customer appreciation. When your workflow is stronger, faster, and better, the customers feel it. They feel like you are right there with them and getting things moving.
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  • It can improve in its integration capabilities. Currently we can integrate it with any Ticketing tool but usually it takes time due to many intricacies and this can be improved.
  • For few graphs and chart categories, we do not have the option to see the related incidents for that graphs. This is a drawback currently and I have been notified that its been worked upon and will be available in coming versions.
  • With huge amount of data it gets slow sometimes
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Kissflow, Inc (OrangeScape)
  • Workflow Design: There isn't a copy/paste function when creating the workflow, and you can't move a workflow task between parallel branches. This becomes a pain point when an item has 98% of what you need, but you can't copy it and place it in another branch to make the last tweaks. Instead, it needs to be completely recreated
  • Interface: While I like the current design features, which make it easy for an end-user to find their tasks and items, it would be nice to also have some flexibility within the platform. Things like being able to groups apps under a category or tailoring the look and feel of the page a little more would be a welcome addition.
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Likelihood to Renew
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Kissflow, Inc (OrangeScape)
Really love the product. Was pleasantly surprised that it has been easy to use for parents
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Support Rating
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Kissflow, Inc (OrangeScape)
I haven't encountered a need for support with KiSSFLOW. It's not a perfect platform, but it's functional, dependable, and reasonably intuitive. I can't fault a support team just because their product works!
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Alternatives Considered
Accenture mywizard gives more efficient Automation cases and also provides the best tools required for those cases. The difference is in the quality of test cases, and that helps in giving a scalable and sustainable solution. This has a major impact on ROI, thus I would prefer Accenture myWizard.
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Kissflow, Inc (OrangeScape)
KiSSFLOW is much easier to set up, less coding and easier to explain to those that are being trained. The company already had SharePoint, but it is a very difficult system to set up. A class had to be taken, along with getting books in order to understand the process of the workflow. With KiSSFLOW, it is simple to understand, the helpdesk is quick with their response, help topics are laid out simply and you can even talk with someone on that side to ask your questions. Overall, KiSSFLOW is a much easier workflow and system to use.
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Return on Investment
  • Reduction in IT costs
  • Quality improvement
  • Scaling and sustainable solution
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Kissflow, Inc (OrangeScape)
  • The only real hard number savings that we have had with KiSSFLOW is the money we have saved in forms being printed, especially multi-part forms. So for a small college like us that it probably in the $5000 to $10000 per year range. We have certainly saved money in increased efficiencies of the processes that we have moved to KiSSFLOW. But that is harder to calculate.
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Kissflow Screenshots

Screenshot of overall efficiency monitoringScreenshot of workflow trackingScreenshot of process metricsScreenshot of the drag and drop form builderScreenshot of a parallel branches workflowScreenshot of where to change file permissions