HealthStream is a cloud-based Talent Management Suite specifically designed for the healthcare sector. Focused on training (LMS), the suite also includes performance management, competency, simulation and credentialing. HealthStream also provides research services to healthcare organizations.
Relias Learning Management System
Score 7.1 out of 10
The Relias Learning Management System is a corporate e-learning platform for healthcare, insurance, and education industries. Features include: automated training enrollment, a library of over 3,000 pre-built courses as well as customizable courses, live training management, and tracking and reporting.
HealthStream is a wonderful tool for assigning assessments and evaluating knowledge. The assessments have a large pool of questions to pull from. The exams are timed and will generate a test report at the end of the exam so the clinical team can see what tests were passed and failed. These are helpful in ensuring we know what the nurse needs extra education on. HealthStream would be less suited for education items that would need to be validated in person...skills such as CPR.
Good for an organization who are in health care and in ABA. Not so good everyone else. There are courses specific to the industry, however, the glitches and the lack of support from the customer service staff makes it hard to recommend the product.
Reporting. Having the ability to track compliance (and non-compliance) at our fingertips ensures that we are up-to-date with Federal, State, Local and internal policies, requirements and educational initiatives
Customization. Developing in-house materials, specific to our variable training needs is a huge plus - HealthStream's commitment to SCORM-ready content since 2011 has made it simple for us to connect, engage and interact with all of our staff and providers.
Integration. Allowing us to interface with our HRM/HRIS systems is invaluable. Keeping up with a dynamic workforce, both in terms of retention and attrition, would not be possible without our current interface structures.
Relias Learning Management System has a massive catalog of pre-built trainings available for employees to take at their leisure
Relias Learning Management System has many compliance & hr related trainings based in the system already based on laws and regulations
Relias Learning Management System makes it easy to record & build your own trainings to add into their system for specific employees in your company to take as you require
Embedding elearning tutorials into HealthStream can be a bit complicated, and even slow down the site for the end user. In my experience, I found it much easier to just offer a link to the tutorial through the assessment portion.
Keeping users synced into the most up-to-date user groups can be a bit tricky. If you create your own student groups, and then these students transfer to a different job role or department, you will manually have to make these changes yourself. A more automated process would be great.
Reporting is abominable, hasn't been updated in over 4 years.
Organization of courses, modules, training plans, skills checklists, manuals, and tests— a lot of options and very challenging to differentiate
Their mobile application is not user-friendly, it crashes, doesn't load certain courses, doesn't play audio on other ones, and has very poor performance.
We just can't imagine NOT having HealthStream as it has become such a part of our training system. The per user cost has actually gone down from 3 years ago. However, we are using more courses we have purchased. This allows us to be more efficient with our time and more convenient for the end users. We are considering purchasing other aspects of the system.
RMLS have become an important component of our agency's support systems. It provides consistent context for education and trainings as well as being flexible to allow staff to access it on their time. We have found many of the content sessions to be very useful for staff development and supportive of our overall agency goals and strategies.
I enjoy the ease of setup. It has a large course library and selection filter to choose by profession and/or module type. Even though it has a generic user interface and navigating tools, but it gets the job done. It offers the basic and simple delivery, tracking, and reporting.
I only used HealthStream for a short time, but it wasn’t overly user-friendly or pretty. There were some quirks that I didn’t like, like the quiz builder or uploading lists. Whenever you assigned a group it was difficult to tell and confirm that the assignment went out. Overall I like other systems better.
Our implementation specialist was second-to-none, and upon 'graduating' from implementation, we were underwhelmed by the support after that. Due to the thoroughness of our implementation, we have had few occasions to contact support. We've been passed among several different contact persons, but have always received answers to our questions.
The interface for HealthStream is 1000x better than My Learning. I still struggle to find my assignments and upcoming in person training on My Learning. It is not intuitive and doesn't have a dashboard when you sign on to see everything at once. HealthStream lets me easily see my assignments, their due dates, and any upcoming dates
Relias has significantly more and higher quality training courses and video offerings than any competitor in the space. At the end of the day, it's about the caregivers receiving as much information they can to be successful.
We have been able to manage a large amount of training for a diverse work force more efficiently.
We are adding functionality to be able to use the system to circulate materials to our workforce where documentation of knowledge/understanding is needed,